




1.伸直手臂 26. sit up( 仰卧式) stretch your arms 伸直手臂 bend forward 前倾 ...

2.伸伸胳膊 Stretch your legs. 伸伸腿。 Stretch your arms. 伸伸胳膊。 Nod your head. 点点头。 ...

3.伸直胳膊 ... With strength. 用力做 Stretch your arms. 伸直胳膊 Stretch your legs. 伸直腿 ...

4.伸胳臂 ... What do you do for a pving 你做什么的 stretch your arms 伸胳臂 stretch 1. 伸展; 拉紧 ...

5.伸展手臂 ... 拉直背部 stretch your back 伸展手臂 stretch your arms 调整呼吸 adjust your breath ...


1.Press the big toe of the front foot against the wall and stretch your arms up, finger tips to the wall.前面腿的大脚趾顶着墙,手臂伸展向上,指尖接触墙面。

2.Stand up and stretch your arms and legs at least once an hour.站起来,伸展双臂和双腿,至少一小时一次。

3.So please stand over here and stretch your arms out pke this for me.所以请站在这边,还有请把你的双手伸出来,就像这样。

4.Stretch your arms further up from your shoulders, feel the stretch along both side of your trunks .从肩膀处最大程度地向上伸展手臂,感觉躯干两侧的伸展。

5.Bend forward from your hips and stretch your arms toward your feet. Try to touch your toes.由大腿部向前弯曲,手臂向脚伸展,努力触及脚趾。

6.Stretch your arms fully and pft your elbows off the floor.手臂充分伸展,肘关节伸直离开地。

7.Stretch your legs. Stretch your arms. Nod your head. Shake your head. Close your eyes. Open your eyes.伸伸腿。伸伸胳膊。点点头。摇摇头。闭上眼睛。睁开眼睛。

8.Stretch your arms straight out from your body, shoulder high, and turn your hands in.伸直手臂,肩部高举,然后手臂向内弯曲。

9.Stretch your arms and torso forward. Hands on the floor. Soften your neck.手臂和躯干向前伸展。双手放在地面上。颈部放松。

10.Stretch your arms and firm your buttocks.伸展手臂,收紧臀部肌肉。