




1.第九天 8 第208页 page 208 1 第九天 the ninth day 2 第12周 the twelveth week ...

2.第九日SHOT IN THE DARK) YC1171 第九日 (THE NINTH DAY) YC1181 疯狂周末 (DUCK SEASON) YC1191 第二场13: 30 神勇 …

3.第九节 ... 第九节The ninth day: 第十节: The first ten day: ...

4.纳粹九重天 的《钢琴战曲》( The Pianist,2002) 的《纳粹九重天》( The Ninth Day,2004) 同名小说改编而成的《铁皮鼓》( Tin Drum,…


1.At last we were beaten so far to the south that we tossed and tacked to and fro the whole of the ninth day.终于,我们被风浪冲击得向南方飘去,在第九天,整整一天,船只忽前忽后地颠簸不停。

2.Thus, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is called Double-Positive or Double-Nine.因此,九月初九被称作重阳或重九。

3.Today is the ninth day to go swimming, should swimming lessons is going to end.今天是去游泳的第九天,转眼间游泳课程就快要结束了。

4.Entering a start date of 09 indicates that you want documents dated no earper than the ninth day of the current month in the current year .如果输入的起始日期是09,则表示您需要当前年份中当前月份第9天之后的文档。

5.By the ninth day, the last of the experiment, they were running 50 per cent less far.到了第九天,实验结束之时,他们跑不过低脂饮食组的百分之五十。

6.He told Huan Jing, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, disaster will come to your hometown. You must go home immediately.农历九月初九,一场灾难将会降临你的家乡,你必须立即回去。

7.Every year, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month , the Emperor and Empress would cpmb the hill to view the distant scenery .每年农历九月九日重阳节时,帝后们登其上,眺望远处风光。

8.on the ninth day of the month at nightfall from evening to evening, let this Sabbath be kept.从这月初九日晚上到次日晚上,要守为安息日。

9.Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup.昨天是世界杯赛的第九天。

10.The Double-Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and has a history of more than 1, 700 years.农历九月初九是重阳节。这是一个很古老的节日,距今已有1,700多年的历史。