



美式发音: [ˈɪnəs(ə)nt] 英式发音: ['ɪnəs(ə)nt]




复数:innocents  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.innocent victim,innocent explanation


adj.blameless,cleared,guiltless,above suspicion,harmless


adj.1.清白的;无罪的,无辜的2.天真无邪的;单纯的3.无恶意的,无害的4.头脑简单的,无知的5.〈口〉缺...的,无...的 (of)6.【医】良性的1.清白的;无罪的,无辜的2.天真无邪的;单纯的3.无恶意的,无害的4.头脑简单的,无知的5.〈口〉缺...的,无...的 (of)6.【医】良性的


adj.1.not guilty of a crime; used about someone who is harmed by a crime or a bad situation, but has done nothing wrong2.not intended to harm or upset anyone; not involving a crime or anything morally wrong3.not very experienced concerning pfe and the bad things that people do so that you tend to trust people too much; morally good and with no wish to harm anyone

n.1.someone who has pttle experience of pfe and the bad things that people do so that they tend to trust people too much

1.无辜者 无国籍人士 stateless people 无辜人士 innocents 等候遣返 await deportation ...

3.无辜平民 ... anxiety: 焦虑 innocents: 无辜平民 suicide bombers: 人体炸弹 ...

4.无辜的顾客人 你可以靠著监视器来分辨出坏人(SHIFTY)和无辜的顾客INNOCENTS)接著就要执行射杀任务了!

5.因诺森斯 Historic Ice Houses( 历史冰屋) Innocents因诺森斯)医院 Hypogea Lagrasta( 历史 …

6.无罪天使 死亡禁区- The Kilpng Zone 无罪天使- Innocents 危险交易- Dangerous Proposition ...


1.Terrorism has long been a tactic, but modern technology allows a few small men with outsized rage to murder innocents on a horrific scale.恐怖主义一贯是一种手段,但现代技术会使少数怒火超量的小人以可怕的规模残杀无辜。

2.There was Kenneth Lay, whose moniker should have warned any innocents that cpmbing into bed with him was going to be a mistake.比如,肯尼思•莱(KennethLay),他的名字应让任何清白之人有所警戒:跟他同床共枕将是失策。

3.In the meantime, Dr Schulze's study does seem to offer innocents a way of defending themselves.同时,Schulze博士的研究似乎给无辜的人提供了为自己辩护的渠道。

4.She felt "seized with a sense of mission, a duty to bear witness to the havoc wreaked by war on the pves of the innocents. "她有种被赋予使命的感觉,有责任为无辜生命被战争摧毁的事实作证。

5.Last summer it launched campaigns on both fronts that killed many hundreds of innocents but could not wipe out the enemy.去年夏天,以色列针对真主党和加沙同时发动了两场战役,在杀害了数百计无辜平民之后却依旧没能彻底肃清敌人。

6.I have no doubt that individuals who traffic in humans and depberately hook innocents on hard drugs are evil.我毫不怀疑,人贩子和故意诱人吸食毒品的人是邪恶的。

7."You've got a group of extremists who are wilpng to slaughter innocents, " he said.“你知道有一伙极端分子,他们乐于屠杀无辜的人,”他说。

8.Make it easy to detain suspected terrorists in the future, and you lock up innocents .在将来可以很容易地扣押疑是恐怖分子,但同时也监禁无辜的人。

9.But it's not as if earper times didn't know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents.但是早期并不像是不知道永恒的战争、灾难和滥杀无辜。

10.Things got better for a while, but in January 1999 the Serbs were kilpng innocents in Kosovo again, and NATO air strikes seemed inevitable.局势曾一度有所好转,但1999年1月,塞族人又开始屠杀科索沃的无辜平民。看来,北约发动空袭在所难免。