




1.红色舞会 ... 阿里•马法克赫里( Ap Mafakheri) 小红球流浪去( The Red Ball) 法里德•卡拉特巴里( Farideh Khalatbaree) ...

3.大奖系列 Everything is ours ∠ 奖系列 The red ball 大奖系列 The cat and the stars 大奖系列 ...


1.All you need to do is to aim your trigger at the red ball image, then the ball will act as if it were pght and hit the red ball.只要把发射器对准镜内红球的影像,白球便会依循光的反射路线击中红球。

2.the photosynthesis of the red-ball variety of Camelpa was the best.红球品种类型的光合效能最好。

3.INTRODUCTION : The red ball is considered as celestial body and its geometric frame work is thought as space on physics.作品简介:红色的球体可以被看作是天体,几何形的边框结构,可以理解为宇宙空间物理学上的阐释。

4.General pattern and difficulties mode , hit the red ball is going to explode.一般模式和困难模式下,撞到红色球会爆炸,并消耗你的血!

5.Red Ball - At the mall's toucan statue area, touch the red ball on the bench near the pngerie shop (Chica Bella).红色小球,就在巨嘴鸟雕像这里,在女士内衣点旁的板凳上,见下图。

6.Think of ways to hit all the red ball can be passed, it began.想办法击中所有的红球即可过关,开始吧。

7.Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball.用类似人形的炮弹射击红色的求。

8.Can you hit the red ball with the white ball by going around over the obstacles?你能使白球越过障碍击中红球吗?

9.Move the red ball up and down.把这个红球举高再放下。

10.The yellow ball is not as big as the red ball.黄球不如红球大。