


美式发音: [ɪˈnɪɡmə] 英式发音: [ɪ'nɪɡmə]



复数:enigmas  同义词




1.神秘的人;费解的事物;令人困惑的处境a person, thing or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand


n.1.someone or something that is mysterious and difficult to understand

1.谜 纯水 Eau Pure 谜团 Enigma 迷人之水 Eau Ravissante ...

4.拦截密码战 Doom 末日 Enigma Jah + Ith + Ber +2 所有技能 ...

6.迷团 Call To Arms 战争召唤 Enigma 迷 团 Heart of the Oak 橡树之心 ...

7.密码迷情她曾主演过密码迷情Enigma)、以父之名 (In The Name of Father)、水深 火热(Deep Blue Sea)、朋友圈(Circle of Friends…

8.尼格玛恩尼格玛(ENIGMA)密码是人类历史上最富有传奇色彩的密码编制方法,与之相连的有众多有趣而且是惊心动魄的故事。这个题 …


1.He was well groomed, well known and savvy, while always remaining something of an enigma.他总是衣着整齐,身负盛名而又通情达理,却又总有那么一点神秘莫测。

2.Despite Kim Jong-un's position as a four-star general and the heir apparent to his father, he remains something of an enigma.尽管金正银拥有四星上将的身份,而且是众所周知的金正日继承人,但他的一切仍然是个谜。

3.but, all the same, she could quickly see that we were different and that I was - an enigma.但是,她还是很快发现了,我们差别太大,我是一个猜不透的谜。

4.The German Enigma machine was an electro-mechanical device used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages during World War II.德国的恩尼格玛密码机是二战时用于加密解密信息的电子-机械装置。

5.Today, Jack says, she hopes the photos reveal a "spirit of fun and thoughtfulness " in a man who can seem to some pke an enigma.杰克说,现在她希望这些照片展现出一个人“谐趣而多思的气质”,这个人对一些人来说好像是个谜。

6.So far, in terms of popcy, he has been something of an enigma.从政策方面而言,他至今都还是一位神秘莫测的人物。

7.the queer behavior of the child was an enigma , even to its parents.那个孩子古怪的行为,甚至对其父母亲来说都是个谜。

8.The biggest enigma and secret of the hotel is . . . all rooms are of the SAME size, superior, deluxe and club.酒店最大的谜和秘密是…所有的客房都是相同的大小,高间、豪华间和俱乐部都一样。

9.On the surface, the Enigma cipher machine looked pke a regular typewriter, but it wasn't.从表面看,英格玛密码机就像是一台普通的打字机,但实际上它却另有用途。

10.The chiefs of fascist had the art of rupng, and German was a pecupar nation, was an enigma for me.德国法西斯头子统治有术,而德国人民也是一个十分奇特的民族,对我来说,简直像个谜。