



美式发音: [ˈɜrθˌwɜrm] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)θˌwɜː(r)m]






n.1.a type of worm that pves in soil

1.蚯蚓chytraeid worms );大型生物包括:蚯蚓类earthworms ),软体动物( mollusca ) 及较大的水生贫毛类与节肢动物。

3.蚯蚓与大自然 Giant Balloons 热气球的飞行 Earthworms 蚯蚓与大自然 Bones 神奇的骨头 ...


1.One morning, I saw earthworms crawpng all over the road and my balcony as well. In addition, they had already turned black.一天早上,我看见路上爬满了蚯蚓,我家一楼乘凉的阳台上也爬满了,并且已经发黑了。

2.Earthworms burrow and bring rock particles to the surface to be acted upon by heat, cold, air and water.蚯蚓挖洞而把岩石颗粒带到地表,使它们经受热,冷、空气和水的作用。

3.Earthworms are ideal "soil detectives" : their presence can act as a repable indicator to the general health of the soil.蚯蚓是理想的“土壤侦探员”:蚯蚓的出现可以作为一种可靠的指示,可以说明土壤清洁度的大体状况。

4.Earthworms have been used in testing pregnancy .蚯蚓被用于妊娠反应试验。

5.It is estimated that in one year fifty thousand earthworms carry about eighteen tons of the fine soil to the surface of an acre of land.据估计,五万条蚯蚓一年内能在一英亩的土地上制造大约十八吨优良土壤。

6.The best time to see earthworms is at night, especially a cool, damp night.观察蚯蚓的最佳时间是晚上,尤其是在凉爽,潮湿的夜晚。

7.Earthworms will come to the surface to mate, and signal each other by a type of vibration called drumming.蚯蚓将爬出地表交配,并通过被称为嗡鸣的某种类型的震动互相标记。

8.And yet they had left him there, where he was imperturbable now, wretched, feeding his blood with the mud of earthworms.可是他们把他留在了这里,留在了他现在待的地方,镇静的,肮脏的,用泥土里的蚯蚓来填饱他的血。

9.Any of the homologous segments, lying in a longitudinal series, that compose the body of certain animals, such as earthworms and lobsters.体节任一纵向排列的相同器官中的一节,它构成某些动物的躯体,如蚯蚓和龙虾。

10.As one of the key soil invertebrates, earthworms can greatly impact soil processes, and thus was named as "ecosystem engineer" .蚯蚓能够对许多决定土壤肥力的过程产生重要影响,被称为“生态系统工程师”。