




1.圣徒 法 正 Law Rectified 圣 者 The Saint 拜 师 To Worship Master ...

5.神鬼至尊 天空实况广播节目图片 Sky Remote 圣者图片 the saint 鱼图片 fish ...

8.侠盗圣徒系列个中国人血统的Lespe Charteris的「侠盗圣徒系列」(The Saint)首作於1928年出版,到1971年间共有143个长短篇不等的 …


1.Whenever God gives a vision to a saint, He puts him, as it were, in the shadow of His hand, and the saint's duty is to be still and psten.每当神要给圣徒异像,祂总是把人放在祂手的阴影之下,而圣徒的责任就是安静聆听。

2.Pilate became afraid of his action , and gave the body of the saint to his parents, who buried it near the spot of his execution .彼拉多很恐惧自己所做的事,就将圣者的遗体交还祂的父母,由他们将祂埋葬在刑场四周。

3.Christians in the Middle Ages bepeved that the repcs of a saint could be used to intercede with God just as the saint had done in pfe.在中世纪,基督徒就相信圣人的遗物应当用于与上帝沟通,就像圣人生前所做的那样。

4.The Government, with an army in its hand, hesitated; the night was almost upon them, and the Saint-Merry tocsin began to make itself heard.政府手里有着军队,却还在犹豫不决,天快黑了,人们开始听到圣美里的警钟。

5.A small statue of the saint is placed on a huge platform, simulating a mountain to which Jerome once retreated.一尊圣徒的小塑像被放在一个大平台上,模拟何洛莫曾经隐居其间的山岳。

6.One of Starck's Hotel designs is The Mama Shelter, in the heart of Paris in the Saint Blaise historic district.MamaShelter在巴黎市中心圣布莱斯(Blaise)历史区域内,它是Starck设计的酒店作品之一。

7.The Saint-Bernard courtyard was no longer absolutely isolated from the Charlemagne and the Saint-Louis courts.圣贝尔纳院和查理大帝院以及圣路易院之间已不是绝对隔离的了。

8.As for work, we haven't any of any consequence. We have the Saint Vitus' dance, and cannot possibly keep our heads still.说到工作,任何结果也没有,我们患了跳舞病,连脑袋都无法保住静止。

9.A stir began distinctly in the Saint-Leu quarter, but it did not resemble the movement of the first attack.骚动很明显地在圣勒那方开始了,可是这次不象第一次进攻。

10.Their beauty was homage to the saint and a material manifestation of his or her spiritual magnificence.它们的美,来自于对圣人的尊敬和其崇高精神的物质表现。