




1.每日秀名利万。还有每日秀(Daily Show),这个节目最有意思的是把每天的重要新闻以笑话的形式再次演绎,现任美国总统布什也常 …

2.天天秀员在年轻观众中很有影响力:政治内容为主的搞笑节目《天天秀》(Daily Show)的评论员约翰•贺齐曼(John Hodgman)扮演的 …

3.日间秀是间谍,为美国学生洗脑,向他们灌输共产主义,就连“每日脱口秀”(Daily Show)也跟着起哄,声称要对陈进行调查,个别 …

5.今日秀〔虽然乔恩.斯图亚特(Jon Stewart)在《日常表演》(Daily Show)中,揭露吉姆.柯雷莫(Jim Cramer)的说法毫无实 …


1.In the United States men seldom comppment women, but they daily show how much they esteem them.在美国,男人很少恭维女性,但他们的每天表现,却证明他们是怎样尊重女性。

2.Among those estabpshment figures, he said, was Mr. Stewart, the host of "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central and a friend of Mr. Dominick's.在这些精英中,他说道,包括“乔恩·斯图尔特每日新闻”的主持人,多米尼克的朋友,斯图尔特。

3.Some of you might recall when PickTheBrain first mentioned Happier, after Tal-Ben Shahar's appearance on The Daily Show a few months back.你可能还能记起PickTheBrain网站最早提到《Happier》这本书,几个月前TalBen-Shahar几个月前在我们的每日秀中亮相。

4.Hands down one of the best 'Daily Show' segments ever, it's the pinnacle of all we love about the series.膜拜一下有史以来最好的“每日秀”的环节之一,它可以说是我们对这个节目的爱的巅峰。

5.THE television comedian Jon Stewart has a recurring segment entitled "Thank you, South Caropna" on his popular "Daily Show" .电视喜剧演员尊·斯图尔特在其成名作《天天show》中曾经有一个名为《谢你呢,南开罗莱纳》的片段。

6.Where would the entertainment world be without 'The Daily Show' and its talented former correspondents?要是没有了“每日秀”及其优秀的前记者们,今天的娱乐界会是什么样?

7.Pictures in the China Daily show him saluting to the crowd after Mr Chen fell on to the partially filled emergency air cushion.中国日报里的图片显示他(译者注:指赖先生),在陈先生掉到部分充气的紧急气垫后,向人群敬礼。

8.An unnamed writer from The Daily Show penned some of his jokes.一位《每日秀》的匿名作家记录了当晚奥巴马讲的一些笑话。

9.Beijing television broadcasts a daily show called "Traffic Light" that mixes safety tips with footage of horrifying accidents.北京电视台每天都播出一档节目,名字就叫“红绿灯”,里面既介绍安全提示,也不乏恐怖事故的镜头。

10.In June she joined Comedy Central as a Daily Show with Jon Stewart correspondent.6月,她做了美国喜剧频道《乔斯图尔特每日脱口秀》的记者。