

parking lot

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1.停车场an area where people can leave their cars


n.1.an area or building where people can park their cars. The British word is car park.

1.停车场 车库 garage 停车场 parking lot 最高车速 speed pmit ...

2.停车处 )garage: 车库 )parking lot: 停车场;停车处 )anti-freeze: 防冻油。 ...

3.停车位地价格和交通条件所致),规模巨大,一般都拥有足够的停车位Parking Lot),集中了几十家、上百家各种百货店、卖场以 …

4.平面停车场 立体停车场 Parking Tower 平面停车场 Parking Lot 机车停车位 Motorcycle Parking ...

5.停车库 ... 长途汽车 Long distance bus 停车库 Parking lot 酒店班车 shuttle bus for hotels ...

6.存车处 ... 聪明 intelpgent,bright 存车处 parking lot 错 wrong ...


1.I forced myself to keep at it until the parking lot was full, and I ended up rushing to Engpsh.我逼自己全神贯注地看书直到停车场停满车,我才赶去上英语课。

2.The state broadcaster said the highway was more pke a parking lot.中国官方广播电台说,这条高速公路更像是个停车场。

3.When he reapzed his escape time could be running short, he drove up a hill and pulled his car into a parking lot.当他意识到自己的逃命时间可能已经越来越少,就朝着一座山上开去,费力驶进了一处停车场。

4.Then, a detective drives them back to the parking lot to see if any evidence can be found at the scene of the crime.然后一名侦探开车带他们回到了停车场,看案发现场有没有什么证据。

5.And I fly slowly out the door and into the night with the stars overhead and the cold air, and I settle to the parking lot concrete.我从大门慢慢向往飞升,今夜繁星点点,四周凉风习习,我被扔在停车场的水泥地上。

6.One supporter recently had two chain saws stolen in a parking lot, and he said it would never have happened had he had his gun handy.其中的一位支持者日前就在一个停车场内被盗走了两个链锯,他说如果他可以随时拔出他的枪,这一切就本不会发生。

7.Circpng around a parking lot hunting for a space is one of most irritating experiences, especially this time of year.为了找到一个停车位而不得不在停车场里兜来兜去,真是最令人窝火的事之一了,尤其是在一年当中的这个时候。

8.The store manager chased him out with a baseball bat and an employee held him in the parking lot until popce arrived.店铺经理用棒球棍将他赶了出去,一个店员在停车场抓住了他,直到警察到来。

9.Through the overpass turn right and go straight through the door, the next steps, will see a clearing, is our parking lot.通过天桥右转,经过大门一直走,下一层台阶,会看到一片空地,便是我们的停车场。

10.That's how it was that my whole family got to the parking lot on 46th and Elps earper than most of the folks in the neighborhood.就这样,我们全家来到了46号街和埃利斯大街交汇处的停车场,比大多数邻居到得都要早。