




1.戴帽子 10 Towel 毛巾 11 Wear a hat 戴帽子 12 Small island 小岛 ...

2.戴一顶帽子 6. 在教室里 in the classroom 7. 戴一顶帽子 wear a hat 8. 在饭厅吃饭 in the dining hall ...

3.戴着帽子 ... 7. Ms Clark 克拉克女士 8. wear a hat 戴着帽子 9. psten to music outside 在外面听音乐 ...

4.戴上帽子 04 Rose 玫瑰花 05 Wear a hat 戴上帽子 06 Have a rest 休息一会儿 ...

5.戴顶帽子 ... wear a pair of thick glasses 戴副近视眼镜 wear a hat 戴顶帽子 wear a helmet 戴着头盔(防护帽…


1.On the boat, stay out of the wind, bundle up and wear a hat.坐船的时候不要吹风,注意保暖及戴帽子。

2.Inresponse, he took it off and unveiled a lovely white-crowned bald head, and said with a smile: "Do you understand why I wear a hat now? "他取下帽子,一个可爱的光光白脑袋露了出来,他笑着回答说:“现在明白了吧。”

3.If you don't have much hair on your head, apply sunscreen to the top of your head or wear a hat.如果你的头发不太多,也可以在头顶上抹防晒霜,或者戴一顶帽子。

4.You head is too round, And your face is too flat to wear a hat. Whoever heard of a cat with a hat?你的头太圆你的脸太扁谁听说过小猫戴帽子?

5.you must take a lot of sun block and wear a hat and sunglasses. the sun in Tibet is very strong. Itis bad for your skin.你必须随身携带一些防晒霜,帽子和太阳镜。因为西藏的阳光很强,对皮肤有很大的杀伤力。

6.Wear a hat to protect your head against the sun, especially in summer.戴顶帽子防止阳光照射头部,夏天更是如此。

7.Shake hands with others, looking at each other, smipng, not smile, not to wear a hat, absent-minded shake hands with people and gloves.与他人握手时,目光注视对方,微笑致意,不可心不在焉、左顾右盼,不可戴帽子和手套与人握手。

8.A I said: Wear a hat. Put on some sunscreen. Sit in the shade. Don't get sunburnt.A我说:戴顶帽子。擦防晒霜。坐在阴凉处。不要被晒伤。

9.If you don't have much hair, apply sunscreen to the top of your head, or wear a hat.头发稀少的人需要在头皮上涂抹防晒霜,或者戴上帽子。

10.Wear a hat with a brim and sunglasses that provide almost 100% protection against ultraviolet radiation.戴有帽檐的帽子和太阳眼镜,这样可以100%的防止紫外线的危害。