




1.孙德尔本斯国家公园 孟加拉国家烈士纪念碑 (Bangladesh National Martyrs' 孙德尔本斯国家公园The Sundarbans) 札西秋宗( TASHICHO D…

2.孙德尔本斯地区 阿瓦什低谷 Lower 孙德尔本斯地区 The Sundarbans 米尔城堡群 The Mir Castle Complex ...

3.孙德尔本斯三角洲darbans National Park )以及孙德尔本斯三角洲(The Sundarbans),也因为海水温度的上升正遭受到破坏,如果水平面再上升 …


1.The 300-member force will be deployed mostly around the Sundarbans mangrove forests, one of the last refuges of the tigers.这支三百人的部队主要将部署在孙德尔本斯红树林,这里是孟加拉虎最后的栖息地之一。

2.A delta at the mouth of the river Ganges, the Sundarbans spread across parts of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India.它位于恒河河口三角洲,横跨孟加拉国和印度西部孟加拉邦。

3.The largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, meaning "beautiful forest" in Bengap, has never got the recognition it deserves.孙德尔本斯,世界上最大的红树林,孟加拉语为“美丽的森林”,从来没有得到应有的承认。

4.In the Sundarbans, beeswax and honey are produced by wild bee swarms that build hives on branches, in tree holes and crevices.在松达班,野蜂群在树杈、树洞和岩缝筑巢,生产蜂蜡和蜂蜜。

5.A collared kingfisher preens in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh.一只白领翡翠鸟在孟加拉国巽达班斯红树林里整理羽毛。

6.The Sundarbans forests stretch between Bangladesh and India.孙德尔本斯红树林位于孟加拉国东部,一直延伸到印度。