




1.两种文化rs and Brothers),1959年的演讲二种文化 (The Two Cultures),对科学家参"文化智识份子" (pterary intellectuals)二种文话中 …


1.It is often a Sisyphean endeavor to get the two cultures to work together in a constructive manner.推动两种文化以一种建设性的方式共同工作的努力常常徒劳无益。

2.At least the title of C. P. Snow's The Two Cultures has entered into the general currency of thought in the Western world.斯诺的《两种文化》,至少是它的标题,已经跻身为西方思想界的通用概念。

3.Each of the two cultures has its own traditional operas and ballads, recording a thousand years of Fujian's history.这两种文化都有各自的传统戏剧及诗歌,它们共同记录了福建千年的历史沧桑。

4."There is still a huge gap between Western and Chinese medicine, and the research will help bridge the two cultures, " he said.“在西方医学和中医之间仍然有很大的鸿沟,而研究将帮助连接着两种文化,”他说。

5.During the process, the foreign citizens of Guangdong, China are the important media of the communication between the two cultures.在这一过程中,广东旅美华侨华人是中美两种文化得以进行交流的重要媒介。

6.This book contains Snow's original 1959 Rede lecture as well as a follow up pubpshed five years later (The Two Cultures: A Second Look).本书收入了斯诺在1959年的“瑞德演讲”原文及五年后出版的续作(《两种文化:第二种见解》)。

7.For a translator, it is impossible for him to do so if he doesn't possess the knowledge of the two cultures.为译者,如果他没拥有二文化的知识,如此做他无法的。

8.So why did Snow think the supposed gulf between the two cultures was such a problem?那么为什么斯诺会认为两种文化之间形成的鸿沟是一个大问题呢?

9.Hypocrisy is always evident when behaviors of the two cultures are compared.两种行为文化一对比,伪善就显露出来了。

10.While no longer essential reading, The Two Cultures still warrants attention from anyone interested in the history of ideas.尽管不再被列为必读书,《两种文化》仍然吸引着所有对思想史有兴趣的人。