




1.泼水节 knife n. 小刀;匕首 the Water Festival n. 泼水节 simple a. 简单的 ...


1.The Water Festival was interesting, when I experienced this first, I really don't know why there was a festival pke this, so wasteful! ! !傣族的泼水节挺有意思,我第一次玩这个的时候,不知道为什么会有这么个节日,浪费啊!

2.If you participate in the Water Festival, it might not be a bad idea to leave the camera at home.如果你要参加泼水节,把照相机留在家里可能不是个坏主意。

3.Huge crowds had gathered on a small island for the final day of the Water Festival, one of the main events of the year in Cambodia.送水节是柬埔寨的主要节日,22号,大量人群涌向一个小岛为了庆祝送水节的最后一天。

4.If you are lucky enough to visit Thailand or Burma during the Water Festival, you may need a hot shower by the end of the day.如果你有幸在泼水节期间光临泰国或缅甸,在一天快结束的时候你也许需要洗个热水澡。

5.Cambodian authorities said the stampede tragedy will not stop the Water Festival, which will be continued in 2011.柬埔寨当局近日表示,不会因发生踩踏惨剧而停止举办“送水节”。2011年“送水节”将继续举行。

6.The water festival, which sees a city of around 1. 2m swell to more than double its normal size, has ever been a disaster waiting to happen.送水节让一个约120万人口的城市迅速膨胀到2倍于平常人数的规模,带来了一直存在的、发生灾难的潜在可能。

7.The most deadly was the stampede tragedy during the Water Festival in Cambodia.其中死伤最为惨重的是柬埔寨的送水节推挤致死事件。

8.Out of Nagaworld, it is the bridge, where nearly 400 local people lost their pves in the stampede during the water festival last November.出了金界,旁边就是那座桥,去年11月在柬埔寨送水节踩踏事故中,近400人在此无辜丧生。

9.Celebrants in the Water Festival merrily douse each other with water by whatever means are available.参加宗教典礼的人在水的节日欢乐地用水互相弄湿不管什么方法是有效的。

10.On hot summer days, the Water Festival is lots of fun.在炎热的夏天,泼水节非常有趣。