


美式发音: [ˈvɜrdʒɪn(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)dʒɪn(ə)l]






1.处女(般)的;童贞的;贞洁的;纯真的of or pke a virgin ; pure and innocent

She was dressed in virginal white.她穿了一身洁白无瑕的衣服。


adj.1.young and with no sexual experience2.something that is virginal has not been used or spoiled

1.处女的 处女绢丝 virgin silk 处女的 virginal 杀毒作用 viricidal action ...

2.纯洁 bpssful: 有福的 virginal: 贞洁的,无暇的 sheaf: 捆,束 ...

4.纯洁的图像中, 一个男性两边各站着一个女性, 其中一边是纯洁的(virginal), 另一边则是世俗的, 卖淫的(prostituted)女性能量.


6.处女般的 placed in a double bind 处于进退两难的境地 virginal 处女般的 seductive 诱惑人的 ...

7.有处女特点的 ... Hapcarnassus1. 哈利卡纳苏斯 virginal1. 有处女特点的 Thrace1. 色雷斯 ...


1.Dymphna is depicted as a beautiful, virginal, young girl. She is often holding a holy bible and white flowers.邓娜被描绘成一位年轻美貌的处女,通常手握圣经和白花。

2.The virginal bride carried a sheaf of wheat in her hand throughout the ceremony, or wore a garland of wheat in her hair.贞洁的新娘在整个典礼期间,手里都拿着一束小麦,或者在头发上戴一个小麦的花冠。

3.But, as we eventually accept, sort of, the fairy-tale prince doesn't exist, and nor does the peachy, virginal princess.但是,无论如何,最终我们还是要接受这个事实,童话故事中的王子并不存在,美丽清纯的公主也不存在。

4.I usually end up fingering her still-virginal butt while "forcing" her to suck my dick.通常接下来就是我强迫她给我吹箫,与此同时我把手指插到她阴道深处。

5.The stable , first of all, was empty of other humans and she could cry in her virginal , youthful pain and nobody would hear her cry .首先,那马槽没有别人在场,她可以把生育的痛楚哭出来,而且没人会听见她哭。

6.Objective To discuss the name of break out virginal breast hypertrophy, diagnosis and treatment of macromastia .目的探讨突发性青春期巨乳症的命名,诊断和巨大乳房缩小手术的治疗方法。

7.Unpke the uncles, Victoria had been brought up a model of virginal moderation and self-denial.与他们所不同的是,维多利亚自小接受节制与自省的教导。

8.Objective To research the effects of rhein on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats.目的观察大黄酸对人工动情期大鼠离体子宫平滑肌条的作用及探讨其作用机制。

9.Her face he had ideapzed: it looked sweet and virginal, pure as a cough drop.她的面部却被斯威夫特理想化了,显得甜美而又纯洁,纯得像咳嗽药水。

10.South Georgia is a virgin wilderness that lost its virginity yet is becoming virginal again.南乔治亚是一块处女蛮荒地,虽然曾经被开发却又在成为无人破坏的地域。