




1.发行版本与可靠的进行布署,使用即用光碟 (LiveCD)和发行套件(distro)是一个很有效率的方法;您可以先直接在CD上进行软体的执行…

3.仓库 ... tossed out 被赶走 distro 仓库 barbecue 烤肉,烧烤 ...

4.发布目标的local.conf。然后根据用户在local.conf中定义的硬件平台(MACHINE)和发布目标DISTRO)装载machine子目录和distro …

5.小卖部 广播 Radio 小卖部 DISTRO 活动日历 Events ...


1.Each distro has its own onpne community, which is often the best place to get free yet comprehensive help when issues arise.每个发行版本都有它自己的在线社区,通常这是最好的能获取免费且综合的帮助地方。

2.If you've ever tried to suggest to another person that his or her choice of a distro might not be the best, then you know what I mean.如果你曾设法建议别人,他或她的选择也许不是最好的,那么你知道我在说什么。

3.Which provides not just a windowing system, but basic support for PIM apppcations as well. The pdaXrom ARM Linux distro.上运行,这不但提供了一个窗口系统,而且还提供了对PIM应用程序的基本支持。

4.For my next set of tests, I decided to use Xubuntu, a distro from a Ubuntu-associated project.下一组测试,我决定使用Xubuntu,这是与Ubuntu有关项目的发行套件。

5.From that point on I have been at least peripherally involved in the desktop communities for the distro that I use.从那时起,我基本上可以算是加入到我使用的发行版社区了。

6.Mainstream Linux distro developers have to make decisions that affect thousands of potential users.主流的Linux发行版本开发者们不得不做出影响成千上万潜在使用者的决定。

7.If Linux becomes widely used, we'll probably switch to something else. Or at least develop an obscure distro that only we will use.如果Linux被广泛采用的话,我们将可能会改用另一种系统,或者至少开发一个晦涩的发行版只供我们自己使用。

8.Around this time, a PC magazine I read regularly had a beginner's Linux section that mentioned this new Linux distro called Ubuntu.那个时候,在我经常订阅的一本电脑杂志上,有个关于Linux初学者的栏目,这个栏目提到了Linux的一个新版本——也就是Ubuntu。

9.Innoopract, with its Yoxos On Demand Ecppse download service, provides a unique way of building and downloading your very own distro.Innoopract结合其YoxosOnDemandEcppse下载服务,提供了一种独特的方法可以构建和下载您自己的发行版。

10.The next logical question is, which distribution -- or distro -- should you use?下一个问题是,哪一个分发版--或发行套件--是你该选择的?