




1.单脚跳 尺 ruler;tape;measuring tape 单脚跳 to hop 垫步 step;to step ...

2.跳跃职业名称,杂技演员或绰号,爱动的人来源于古英语,含义是“跳跃” (to hop)+ er Hopping.[英格兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 霍平。Hop…


1.Chiew Ah Chan said she was cleaning her house on Wednesday when she saw the toad trying to hop out of a drain.陈女士说,她在居所打扫卫生时看见一只癞蛤蟆正试图从下水道里跳出来。

2.The ocean may be a pttle colder than usual, but I think you might still be able to hop in.海水可能比平时凉一点,不过我想你还是可以下海游泳的。

3.But in Los Angeles, it takes a special kind of road warrior to hop on a bike in the name of saving the planet and a pttle money.但在洛杉矶,要想促进环保并节省一点油钱,骑自行车上下班也需要一种特殊的勇气。

4.When you open AK Notepad, you'll see that there is a button on the top to allow you to hop directly in to taking a new note.打开AK记事本,你会看到上面有一个按钮,点它,你可以直接写下新的笔记。

5.A can-sized robot MINERVA that was scheduled to hop around the asteroid's surface has not, so far, functioned as hoped.原先被设定在小行星表面跳跃前进的只有罐头大小的密涅瓦机器人迄今为止并没有像所希望的那样正常工作。

6.During all other visits we had given together in schools, his usual behavior was to hop around the circle letting each person pet him.我们去学校和孩子们见面时,索皮通常是绕着圈子蹦跳,让每个孩子拍摸它。

7.During the depression, I used to hop freights AT least once a month.大萧条时期,我一个月至少一次要偷乘货运列车。

8.As if HK residents are going to hop into their cars to drive there.仿佛香港居民将要开车到那里。

9.It's so easy to hop on a plane and within hours be in a different time and place.你很容易搭乘飞机,在几个小时内处于不同的地方。

10.Draw out every cent. Then we'll go to the British Consulate and get a visa. You're going to hop the train this afternoon for London.然后咱们就去英国领事馆弄一份签证,今天下午你就坐火车去伦敦,再从伦敦乘最早一班船回美国。