




1.什么是绿色 ... what is green? the grass is green, 什么是绿色?草就是绿色, what is orange? why,an orange, 什么是橘色?当然 …

2.草是绿色的 ... 天空是蓝色的。 The sky is blue. 草是绿色的The grass is green. 土地是棕色的。 The earth is brown. ...

3.绿草青青 The sun is shining. 阳光明媚 The grass is green. 绿草青青 The orange and palm trees sway. 柑橘树和棕榈树随风起舞 ...

4.春天到了 The grass is green. 春天到了。 He jumps into the river. 丑小鸭去了河边 …

5.茵茵绿草 forca 加油 the grass is green 茵茵绿草 picture perfect 正面思想 ...

6.草地是绿的 Task time 活动 The grass is green. 草地是绿的。 The sky is blue. 天空是湛蓝的 …


1.I grew up in the countryside where the air is clean, the grass is green and the birds sing all day long.我在农村长大,那里空气清新,绿草如茵,鸟儿整天在枝头欢唱。

2.Designing idea : Our city is a colorful magic square, The sky is blue, The grass is green, The flowers are red, The birds are white.设计构思:我们的城市是个五彩的魔方,天是蓝色、草是绿色、花是红色、鸟是白色。

3.The grass is green. The sky is blue. The air is clean. The day is new.碧绿的草地。蔚蓝的天空。新鲜的空气。这就是新的一天。

4.If one day, I turned into a cup of loess, the loess grown on the grass is green, for you open the chrysanthemum is for you and fragrant.如果有一天,我化作了一杯黄土,这黄土上长出的青草也是为你而绿,开出的黄花也是为你而香;

5.The grass is green and the flowers are colourful in spring .在春天,草是绿的,花是色彩斑斓的。

6.Now it's spring. The birds sing again. The grass is green.现在是春天。小鸟们又唱起了歌。草是绿的。

7.Look, the flowers are red, and the grass is green. What a beautiful sight!看,花儿如此鲜艳,草是那样的葱绿,多么美丽的景色。

8.It is spring. The grass is green. And the flowers are beautiful.春天到了。草是绿的。花也非常漂亮。

9.Spring is a new season. The grass is green.春天是一个新的季节。草是绿的。

10.What is green? The grass is green with flowers in between.什么是绿色的?青草是绿色的青草间花儿朵朵。