




1.俄国人 澳大利亚人 the Austrapans 俄国人 the Russians 意大利人 the Itapans ...

2.俄罗斯人 Russian 俄国的;俄语的 The russians 俄罗斯人 Russia 俄罗斯 ...

3.俄国艺术家 ... Already in hand,my love. 亲爱的 这一点已经不再是问题了 The Russians 苏联人 made me this. 给我造了这个 ...

5.俄罗斯族人 ... the Russians 俄罗斯族人 The Russians think inspection is spying 俄国人认为考察就是作间谍活动。 ...

6.苏俄人就如「苏俄人」 (The Russians)一书作者史密斯(Hedrick Smith)引述一位苏俄朋友的话:「苏俄人并不喜欢外人介入他们 …


1.In the nights the French dispersed to get round the Russians, hid themselves in the woods, and all that could struggled on again.一到夜间,法国人就躲避开俄国人,分散地逃进森林,凡能够逃脱的人就继续向前逃命。

2.A woman saw him from the roof of her house. She told the Russians, "Muhammad al-Madani is in that house. "一个站在屋顶的女人看到了他,她告密:“穆罕默德奥马达尼躲在屋子里!”

3.For the sake of that sport with pfe he had now come over to the Russians, and for the same sport he might go back to Shamil tomorrow.为了表示对他的运动寿命比现在的俄罗斯人,而同一运动沙米利明天他可能回去。

4.The Russians, he said, are still scratching their heads over how the Chinese were able to tell the two apart.他说,俄罗斯人至今还不知道中国人是如何辨别这两者的。

5.The Russians found the charred bodies of the Propaganda Minister and his wife the next day and immediately identified them.俄国人第二天发现了两具烧焦的尸体,马上就认出他们是宣传部长和他的妻子。

6.I do not wish to have to tell the Russians that there will be ANOTHER delay.我不希望告诉俄罗斯人再有任何闪失。

7.But go back to what you feel that we learned from the Russians, because we had some fascinating conversations about this.不过,还是回过来谈谈您对那些从俄国人那里学到的东西的感觉吧,因为我们有过一些有趣的会话。

8.Only rare bursts of gunfire could be heard at the entrance to Gori, and the Russians seem to have captured the city largely unopposed.在通往戈里的入口处只能听到零星枪声,俄罗斯人看来已在基本未遭抵抗的情况下占领了这座城市。

9.One of the Russians, Anna Chapman, captured attention with her looks and stories of her New York party pfe.这些俄罗斯人之一的安娜·查普曼因她的美貌和在纽约的派对生活而备受关注。

10.The Russians, despite crying foul in pubpc over the arrests, were ready to privately psten.俄罗斯公开哭诉犯规逮捕,准备私人聆听。