




1.第十天 第十一天 The Eleventh Day 第十天 The Tenth Day 第九天 The Ninth Day ...


1.Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.你们吩咐以色列全会众说:本月初十日,各人要按著父家取羊羔,一家一只。

2.On the tenth day after Jesus' ascension, Holy Spirit did descend to give disciples power to witness for the Lord's resurrection.主耶稣升天之后第十天,圣灵果然降下来。赐给门徒能力为主作复活的见证。

3.He shot a woodchuck and a grouse , and on the tenth day he shot a moose.他打了一只山鼠和一只松鸡,第十天还打了一头麋。

4.Shiites mourn the death every year on the tenth day of the Islamic holy month of Muharram.什叶派穆斯林每年都在伊斯兰历斋月的第十天哀悼他的遇难。

5.On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation and affpct yourselves. You shall do no work.七月初十日,你们当有圣会;要刻苦己心,什麽工都不可做。

6.I remember just on the tenth day there was a big earthquake.我记得正是在第十天发生了一场大地震。

7.But the situation became serious by the tenth day.但情况在第十天时变得很严重了。

8.On the tenth day of Christmas. . .在耶诞假期的第十天…

9.The tenth day, the Buddha himself down, saying that out of 500 yuan to buy it, the boss was very happy - even then rebounded to 500 yuan!第十天,佛亲自下山,说要出500元买下它,老板高兴得不得了——竟然又反弹到了500元!

10.On the tenth day after jack came back, an uninvited lady came to my home.安杰回家的第十天,家里来了一为不速之客。