





4.卡拉汉号卡拉汉号Callaghan)    型号: 制造商: 续航力: 电子系统: 舰载机: 设为首页 加入收藏 给我留言 舷号: DD792

5.卡拉汉校区  卡拉汉校区Callaghan)  更多英国留学资讯,请登陆:http://www.001uk网址被屏蔽/,更多英国大学排名,请登录:http://ukrank网址被屏蔽…

6.卡勒汉校区校区名称 :麦考锐港校区(Port Macquarie) 卡勒汉校区Callaghan) 欧瑞姆巴校区(Ourimbah) Holmes Institute 共设有5 …

7.卡拉甘本周末,在澳洲纽卡斯尔大学卡拉甘Callaghan)校园为千余名学生举行的毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式上,一位引人注目的老人 …


1.He reminds me of Ian Callaghan at times. They're different players but Cally would also give you everything, running all over the pitch.有时他让我想起了卡拉汉,他们是两种不同类型的球员,但是卡里可以给你一切,纵横全场。

2.Ian Callaghan has paid tribute to one of the game's true gentleman in mentor Alan A'Court who sadly passed away on Monday after illness.伊恩-卡拉汉悼念拥有比赛绅士之称的周一因病故去世的阿兰-阿-科特。

3.Tommy Smith has paid Javier Mascherano the ultimate accolade by comparing him to Liverpool record holder Ian Callaghan.斯密斯给予马斯切拉诺独一无二的赞赏,他拿马斯切拉诺与利物浦出场纪录保持者伊恩-卡拉汉做比较。

4.How well, really, the Callaghan girl had behaved, in spite of her stand-offishness at times, and how sound her suggestion had been.那个卡拉汉姑娘虽然有时也显得冷淡清高,但她的举止却是多么好,她的主意是多么妙啊!

5.There is a mutual appreciation between the pair and Callaghan claims there is no reason why Carragher can't surpass his record.他们彼此赞赏对方。卡拉汉表示这里没有任何理由卡拉格不能超过他的记录。

6.Every time I see Ian Callaghan (record holder on 857) I tell him he must have been counting five-a-sides with Shanks!每当我看到伊恩卡拉汉(纪录的保持者在857场)我告诉他,他一定跟香克利说好了计数乘以5。

7.Few now remember the ministerial careers Eden and Callaghan enjoyed before they inherited the top jobs.现在很少有人记得艾登和卡拉汉接受首相一职前的内阁工作。

8.In one poll last week, she ranked behind both Callaghan and the Liberals' David Steel as a campaign performer.在选举前一周,她的表现不如卡拉汉和自由党的大卫。

9.Jim Callaghan, the Chancellor of the Exchequer who introduced corporation tax in 1965.吉姆•卡拉汉曾任英国财政大臣,于1965年引进公司税制度。

10.Mr Callaghan has stuck a picture of Mr McCain looking clueless in the driver's seat.汤姆还画了一张画,画中麦凯恩坐在司机的位置,一脸茫然。