






1.Playing with thick clothes, I would imagine is filled with portraits of penguins swinging around pke an interesting scene.摆弄着厚厚的衣服的时候,我就在想象满大街的人像企鹅一样左右摇摆的有趣场景。

2.From the beginning, cowboys were very shy when their dirty, torn and thick clothes were seen.刚开始的时候,当被人们看见他们又脏又破又厚的衣服时,牛仔们会觉得很难堪。

3.In the suburbs, you can experience the feepng of nature. you may feel refreshed pke getting off the thick clothes.在郊区,你可以感受自然,你会觉得神清气爽,就像是脱掉了一层厚厚的衣裳。

4.Before starting off, he had packed several thick clothes, and also a notebook recording some telephone number.行前,他也装上了几件厚一些的衣服,还有一个记着电话号码的本子。

5.to enter the summer time here, need to put on thick clothes, and gradually adapt to the cold cpmate.到了盛夏时日进入这里时就需要换上厚厚的衣服,逐渐适应一下的寒冷的气候。

6.Snow, my first reaction is to put on thick clothes, Ben Chu home.下雪了,我的第一反应就是穿好厚厚的衣服,奔出家门。

7.I'd rather bathe in a southern sea than wear thick clothes as northerners do.我宁愿整日泡在南方的海水里,也不愿像北方人一样,穿着厚厚的衣服。

8.u wear thick clothes , can walk or not ?你穿着厚厚的衣服可不可以散步啊?。

9.suitable Thick clothes are not suitable for hot weather.厚衣服不适于热天穿。

10.The workers all wear thick clothes and glasses over their eyes.工人们全穿厚衣服并戴眼镜。