


美式发音: [ˈtaɪtəs] 英式发音: 





n.1.in the Bible, an early Christian leader and a disciple of St. Paul.2.a book of the Bible, originally a letter addressed to Titus and traditionally attributed to St. Paul. It contains advice on the organization of the Christian Church.

1.铁达时 Sandoz 山度士 Titus 铁达时 Nivada 利华达 ...

2.提多书 提摩太后书-2 Timothy 提多书- Titus 腓利门书- Philemon ...

3.泰特斯 Timothy 蒂莫西 Titus 泰特斯 Tobias 托拜厄斯 ...

4.泰塔斯 弟茂德后书 2Timothy 弟铎书 Titus 费肋孟书 Philemon ...

6.提多将军罗马军队在皇帝维斯帕先(Vespasian)的儿子提多将军(Titus)的率领下,重重地围困耶路撒冷。经过几个月的围困后,城里已 …

7.铁他士 天克诺 TECHNOS 铁他士 TITUS 庭沙 TINSEL ...


1.Titus 3 : 1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work.多3:1你要提醒众人,叫他们顺服作官的、掌权的,遵他的命,预备行各样的善事。

2.I desired Titus, and I sent with him a brother. Did Titus overreach you? Did we not walk with the same spirit? did we not in the same steps?难道弟铎佔过你们的便宜吗?我们行动来往,不是具有一样的心神,一样的步伐吗?

3.Paul had brought with him not only Barnabas, but Titus also (v. 3), a Christian Greek, who had never been circumcised.保罗不单与巴拿巴同去,而且还带同一位年轻的希腊信徒提多同行(3节),当时的提多还没有受割礼。

4.So we urged Titus, since he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to completion this act of grace on your part.因此我劝提多,既然在你们中间开办这慈惠的事,就当办成了。

5.Timothy , Titus, Mark, and Silas are just a few who followed the trail that Paul blazed.提摩太、提多、马可跟西拉,他们仅是走在保罗开拓的道路上之中的几位。

6.Titus did not take advantage of you, did he?提多占过你们的便宜么?

7.Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised , even though he was a Greek.与我同行的提多,虽然是希腊人,也没有强迫他受割礼;

8.But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Gentile, was compelled to be circumcised.但是,即连跟我的弟铎,他虽是希腊人,也没有被强迫领受割损。

9.But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus and not only by his coming but alsoby the comfort you had given him.不但借着他来,也借着他从你们所得的安慰,安慰了我们。

10.So "successful" were the games that the man who sponsored them, Titus, went down as one of the most popular emperors in history.当时的帝王提图斯赞助该竞赛,他亦因而成为历史上著名的帝王。