


美式发音: [flʌʃt] 英式发音: [flʌʃt]









1.脸红的red; with a red face

flushed cheeks发红的双颊

Her face was flushed with anger.她的脸气红了。

He was flushed with success(= very excited and pleased) after his first novel was published.他的第一部小说发表以后,他志得意满。



adj.1.looking red because you are hot or sick, or feel angry, embarrassed, or excited

v.1.the past tense and past participle of flush

1.泛红 滇红 Dian Hong tea 泛红 to blush;to redden;flushed 飞红 to blush ...

2.脸泛红 ) fluttered 拍翅膀 ) flushed 脸泛红 ) verbal 口头的 ...

3.水管迷宫 杀虐战车:致命的德比 |Fatal Derby Beta 水管迷宫 |Flushed 水果新干线 |Fruit Flier ...

4.激动的 25.tumultuary 喧嚣的;激动的 27.flushed 激动的;心情愉快的 31.pleasant 愉悦的 ...

5.脸红 04情人 paramour 05脸红 flushed 06精致 exquisite ...

6.发红的 Flabby 松弛的 Flushed 发红的 Protruding 凸出的 ...


1."Yes, and he wants me to stroll over into the park with him, " explained Jessica, a little flushed with running up the stairs.“是的。他想和我一起到公园去散散步,”杰西卡解释道,因为跑上楼来脸上现出了红晕。

2.The doctor said that child looked flushed, and told her to stay in bed because she had a fever.医生说这孩子脸色发红正在发烧,叮嘱她卧床休息。

3.Flushed with the glow of sunset earth seems like a ripe fruit ready to be harvested bu night.大地被夕阳的绚丽应红了脸,好像一只丰润的果子等着让黑夜摘下。

4.Right next to her, there was a Chimney Sweeper made of china with a cute and flushed face, and he was holding a ladder.紧挨着她,有个瓷的扫烟囱的,他很可爱,有着红红脸蛋,正抓着梯子。

5.She flushed as if on fire, and for the very first time, I felt something close to sympathy for anothers misfortune.伍德郝斯身上,她脸红得像着了火。生平头一遭,我对他人的不幸有了点近似同情的感觉。

6.Flushed with excitement, we rushed to see who some of the previous years' winners had been.我们兴奋极了,于是纷纷去看这个奖项前几届的得主是谁。

7.At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends! The sky is flushed with the dawn and my path lies beautiful.在我动身的时光,祝我一路福星罢,我的朋友们!天空里晨光辉煌,我的前途是美丽的。

8.you know that you are , madame , " said villefort , whose pale cheeks became slightly flushed as he gave her the assurance" .“是的,夫人。”维尔福说,当他说这话的时候,他那苍白的脸红了一红。

9.Ursula flushed a little at the mild impertinence of this question, and yet she could not definitely take offence.对于这个和缓而鲁莽的问题,厄香拉稍微脸红了一下,但是她无法感到恼火。

10.And as their eyes met for a second, she felt the heat in her neck and breasts, and she flushed, turning away before he noticed.当他们的眼光相遇的一刻,她感到她的胸腔和咽喉里发热,并激动的脸红了,在他注意到之前,她转开了。