


网络释义:TRMM Microwave Imager; 微波成像仪


1.TRMM Microwave Imagerssion)的仪器、美国国家宇航局提供的微波成像仪TMI(TRMM Microwave Imager)分级产品。



1.The gases that escaped TMI, in contrast, might have travelled as far as New York state, but most stayed within 15 kilometres of the plant.而三里岛逸出的气体最远也就飘到了纽约州,大部分停留在了距离核电站15公里的范围内。

2.Removing the fuel from the TMI-2 reactor vessel was the heart of the cleanup.从TMI-2反应堆中移除核燃料是清理工作的核心。

3.Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI(Too Much Information) is its own monster.在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI(别人并不想知道的事)却是个可怕怪兽。

4.US authorities have found pttle evidence of any health damage after TMI.美国政府在三里岛事故之后声称没有发现什么证据显示人们的健康因此次事故受损。

5.Please refer to the following pst, you could see that 23 clubs have not submitted new officer pst to TMI!请参考下列最新资料,目前为止尚有23个分会仍未向世界总会呈报新任干部名单!

6.Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI is its own monster.在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。

7.The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy said they need to take more care over Text Message Injury - TMI - to avoid long-term problems.物理治疗学会说他们需要对短信息损害-简称TMI给予多点的关心以避免长期的问题。

8.People having loud, TMI phone conversations on subway are annoying.在地铁上大声讲长电话的人很烦人。

9.Which goes to show, TMI -- too much information -- is relative.事实显示,TMI——信息过量——是相对的。

10.Alarm sounds within the TMI control room.TMI控制室内警报响起。