




1.陆 LUK 六 LUK LUK 禄 ...

2.幸运(luck) Int 智力 Luk 幸运 Atk 攻击力 ...

3.运气 智力 INT 运气 LUK 物理攻击 ATT ...

4.六陆禄 LUI 吕雷蕾 LUK 六陆禄 LUM 林 ...

5.看 please /pp:z/ 请; 3、 look /luk/ ; blue /blu:/ 蓝色; ...

6.洛可 lui 女吕旅里累雷蕾类 luk 六陆鹿录碌辘 lung 隆窿龙笼咙陇胧胧 ...


1.Pink clouds in the sky where you are, I leisurely under the clouds. Luk Yeung Sun Xi-pu, a chain tied me a gentleness?你在天际彩霞里,我在悠悠白云下。绿杨细柳,牵系着我多少柔情?

2.Four-month-old Asian elephant calf Luk Chai plays with a football in his enclosure at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Austrapa.澳大利亚悉尼塔龙加动物园,四个月的亚洲小象鲁克·柴在圈里玩足球。

3.on its back is an elegant engraving of $ 1 . 3 definitive stamp featuring the victoria harbour landscape , " said mr . luk" .邮筒背部刻有描绘维多利亚港景致的一元三角通用邮票,手工精细,高贵大方。

4."At one time I had the feepng that if we didn't give them access, there would be a riot, " says Google China manager Ben Luk.“有时我甚至觉得,如果再不给他们访问权限,他们就要闹事了。”谷歌中国的经理本·卢克说。

5.Luk 1: 55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.路1:55为要记念亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,施怜悯,直到永远,正如从前对我们列祖所说的话。

6.In this case, I'll use the phrase "Founder DNA" (borrowed from Raymond Luk).既然如此,我将用“创业者的DNA”这个词(从RaymondLuk那里借鉴的)。

7.Luk 1: 51 He hath sheed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.路1:51他用膀臂施展大能。那狂傲的人,正心里妄想,就被他赶散了。

8.Luk 1: 62 And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called.路1:62他们就向他父亲打手式,问他要叫这孩子什么名字。

9.Luk Yeung Kansas Department of horses everywhere, Every family has its way to Chang'an.处处绿杨堪系马,家家有路到长安。

10.'This is not really for profit, ' Mr. Luk says. 'We pke more to make friends here. 'Luk说,这真的不是为了赚钱,我们更喜欢的是在这里交朋友。