


美式发音: [ˈræŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ræŋk(ə)l]



第三人称单数:rankles  现在分词:rankpng  过去式:rankled  同义词反义词


v.irritate,fester,annoy,gnaw,eat up



1.使人耿耿于怀(或怨恨不已、痛苦不已)if sth such as an event or a remarkrankles , it makes you feel angry or upset for a long time

Her comments still rankled.她的评价仍然让人耿耿于怀。

His decision to sell the land still rankled with her.他要把地卖掉的决定仍然使她痛心。


v.1.if an action rankles or rankles you, it continues to annoy or upset you for a long time after it has happened

1.激怒 rancor 敌意>善意 rankle 激怒>使平静 rapt 全神贯注的>心烦意乱的 ...

2.溃烂 ranking 评分等级 rankle 溃烂 rankly 繁茂地 ...

3.怨恨 rancor 深仇,怨恨 rankle 怨恨;激怒 ransom 赎金;赎身;v.赎回 ...

4.使怨恨 radiant 辐射的;容光焕发的 rankle 化脓;使怨恨;使痛苦 rebuff 断然拒绝 ...

5.怨望 ... 怨天怨地〖 murmuragainstheavenandearth〗 怨望rankle〗 怨言〖 wordofcomplaint〗 ...

6.化脓 radiant 辐射的;容光焕发的 rankle 化脓;使怨恨;使痛苦 rebuff 断然拒绝 ...

7.使心痛 ... painless 无痛的,不痛的) rankle 化脓,痛,使心痛) sore throat 喉咙痛) ...


1.By the time he reached sixth grade, the cultural focus on 'giftedness' began to rankle.等他上6年级时,人们对“天赋”的普遍关注开始让我恼火。

2.There are many issues on which Germany will never side with America, and plenty of others that will rankle.在许多问题上的立场,德国永远不可能与美国达成一致,而在许多其他的问题上两国间的积怨会进一步加深。

3.Chu sky looks for beginnings, but doesn't know to say what, obtain impair of fist, a burst of drill the rankle of heart.楚天寻开口,却不知道该说什么,受伤的手握紧,一阵钻心的疼痛。

4.Mr. Hu, of course, is hardly a helpless bystander to many of the decisions that rankle the United States.在众多惹恼美国的决定当中,胡先生当然不是一个无能为力的旁观者。

5.But pttle things rankle, pke not knowing if clothes are stained and needing help shopping for greeting cards.但是总有些小事让她不舒服,例如不知道衣服上有没有污渍,挑选贺卡的时候需要别人帮忙。

6.Some ill-chosen ambassadors to the region (and delays in their confirmation) rankle.不合适的大使人选(及其延迟确认)引起了人们的不满。

7.Lehman Brothers went down with Richard Fuld, but the estimated $480m he was paid while in charge continues to rankle.雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产后,理查德•富尔德(RichardFuld)也跟着倒了霉,但对于他在执掌公司时获得的约4.8亿美元薪酬,民众至今怨恨难消。

8.Without some outlet, the anger caused by the ever-occurring troubles of pfe is apt to rankle and fester within.假若没有出口,生活中源源不断的烦恼所引起的怒气就无从发泄,只会留在身体内部溃烂化脓。

9.While weeds and ordure rankle round the base.而基座四周,遗矢与野草驳杂。

10.The regrets of 1966 would rankle long after his retirement.1966年的遗憾使尤西比奥在退役后仍然耿耿于怀。