




1.今天阳光明媚 31 the birds are singing. 鸟儿在歌唱. 33 today is sunny. 今天阳光明媚. ...

2.今天天气很睛朗 Today is sunny.( 今天天气很睛朗。) It's snowy.( 今天下雪。) ...

3.今天是晴天 ... 2.New word 单词 Today is sunny. 今天是晴天。 It’s windy. 有风。 ...


1.I took pictures of the pttle mermaid again, but today is sunny, the effect is so good! I'm satisfied with it.重新照的小美人鱼雕像,天气好,照出来的效果就是不一样啊!

2.Today is sunny. Mother cat and her son are fishing on the bank of the river.今天阳光明媚,猫妈妈和儿子在河边钓鱼。

3.The overcast weather in Paris of the whole week Today is sunny.经过一个星期的阴霭天气,巴黎的天终于迎来了阳光。

4."Today is sunny, " she reppes, looking out a window framed by creeper vines. "My father is happy because today his pigeons are happy. "她看了看爬满葡萄蔓的窗子回答说“今天是大晴天,我爸爸的鸽子们会很高兴,这样我爸爸也会很高兴。”

5.Today is sunny and windy. My exchange lesson's topic is "plan your day" .一扫往日的阴霾,今天天气晴朗,不过风还是很大。

6.Today is sunny one day, father and mother leads me to go to the picnic.今天是晴朗的一天,爸爸妈妈带我去郊游。

7.The weather today is sunny but it'll be cloudy tomorrow.今天的天气晴朗,但是明天将会多云。

8.Today is sunny and windy. Let'sgreat have fun flying kites.今天风和日丽,让我们去放风筝吧。

9.Today is sunny in Shanghai.在上海今天是晴朗的。

10.Today is sunny, I took my pen pal David to visit the zoo.今天是晴天,我把我的笔友大卫访问动物园。