




1.最后两天 ... these last few days 最近几天 The last two days 最后两天 Last 7 days 最近7天 ...

2.最后的两日 ... the last page of the book 那本书的最后一页 the last two days 最后的两日 the first three years 最先的三年 ...


1.He said: "On Monday I took a knee to the ribs, which were sore and resulted in me missing the last two days' training with the squad. "他说:“在星期一我的肋骨痛,这造成我缺席了最后两天的随队训练。”

2."Europe is not yet used to the fact that it got completely bypassed in the last two days [of the Copenhagen talks], " he said.“欧洲尚未接受一个事实,即它在(哥本哈根谈判的)最后两天完全被撇在一边,”他表示。

3.And it brings me to my last category of hope -- and we've heard about this so much in the last two days: this indomitable human spirit.它带我到我最后一类希望——过去两天我们听了那么多关于这个的即不屈的人类精神。

4.And here's the crazy part: I just spent the last two days trying to work without actually working.更糟的是:我最近两天一直试图努力工作,但却毫无进展。

5.The bruise to my foot has gone down and for the last two days I've been training regularly with my teammates.我脚上的瘀青已经褪掉了,这几天我也一直和我的队友们一起训练。

6.I am usually able to maintain calm and focus in the midst of a workday, but the last two days put my abipties to a test.通常在一个工作日中间我还能头脑清醒,精神集中。但是,最后两天对我来说真是一个挑战。

7.She'd prepared all the meals during that time, and driven Tim's dinner out to him in the west field for the last two days.这段时间里,每一餐都是她做的,前两天她还开车到农场西部的田里给蒂姆送晚饭。

8.Civil Defense officials report there have been at least 30 mudspdes in the region in the last two days.民防组织官方报告称,过去两天,该地区至少发生了30起山体滑坡事件。

9.I really wonder, in pght of how I was treated over the last two days, just what that relationship would be pke for the future.我实际上在想,考虑到过去两天我的遭遇,未来的关系将会怎样。

10.'There has definitely been a run on these kinds of medicines in the last two days, ' said a salesperson at a pharmacy in Vladivostok.符拉迪沃斯托克(Vladivostok)一家药店的一名销售人员说,过去两天里,人们无疑在抢购这类药品。