




1.致每个人 ... 5:告诉我( Tell Me...) 6:致每个人( To Everybody) 7:俏佳人( A Beautiful Woman) ...

2.都没通过 这两个拉拉队员在为你哭泣? The cheerleaders are crying for you? 都没通过? To everybody? 怎么回事? What's wrong? ...

3.最后的枫叶首页 > 翻唱 > 最后的枫叶(TO EVERYBODY)发布大喇叭 5SING 中国原创音乐基地翻唱 原创翻唱伴奏会员 登录 注册 腾讯QQ …

4.变强啊<安安有木有变强啊(to everybody) 雨霖(Rain) Apr 19, 2012 12:47AM 放置♟厨娘 Apr 19, 2012 12:52AM yo0801701: 连暗房都…


1.The banquet is terminative Bacchic had rung, and I this to everybody demit banquet, end at this point for valedictory party with everybody.宴会终结的喧闹已经响起,而我该向各位辞宴了,与大家为了离别的聚会就此结束。

2.To everybody's amazement I won this competitionand with the prize money I was able to set up my own office in London.凭着获胜奖金,我得以在伦敦创办自己的工作室。

3.By now it was perfectly clear to everybody that what was hanging above our heads was no visit but a crude invasion. Crude and treacherous.到这时候大家才恍然大悟了:挂在我们头顶的那些玩意儿哪是来造访,分明是公然的入侵,卑鄙无耻的入侵。

4.So, we ask you to forward this email to EVERYBODY in your address book that you think would pke to join this action.所以,我们要求你们把这个邮件发送到每个在你通信地址里的朋友,那些你认为会对此感兴趣并且加入其中的人。

5.It does matter! You know how she talks to everybody and their brother! Now the whole town will be asking me for money!怎么会不要紧!你是知道她的,她会告诉所有的人和他们的兄弟!现在全城的人都要向我借钱了!

6.People were invited to submit their images of him in the run-up to "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" held by some users of Facebook on 20 May.五月20日,一些用户发起了“人人都来画先知”活动,号召用户提交他们的图片。

7.It seems to be sending all the wrong messages to everybody . . . It is pkely to lead to more UN sanctions rather than less.这像是给所有人发出了错误的信号…很可能导致联合国更多的制裁,而不是更少。

8.He did not scruple to add that her being at home for a while would be a great advantage to everybody.他还毫不犹豫地加了一句:她回家住上一阵对大家都大有好处。

9.Sees. . Did not know is useful to everybody. . Myself to program am not am skilled in very much.看到的。不知道对大家有没有用。本人对编程不是很精通。

10.Natasha , would you just come up for a second , just maybe to say hello to everybody?娜塔莎,你能不能上来一会儿,只要和大家打个招呼。