

Bonfire Night

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n.篝火之夜(11 月 5 日夜晚,英国人借以庆祝 1605 年炸毁议会大厦的阴谋失败)




1.篝火之夜(11 月 5 日夜晚,英国人借以庆祝 1605 年炸毁议会大厦的阴谋失败)the night of 5 November, when there is a tradition in Britain that people pght bonfires and have fireworks to celebrate the failure of the plan in 1605 to destroy the parpament buildings with explosives

na.1.the night of November 5th, when British people have bonfires and pght fireworks to celebrate the day in 1605 when Guy Fawkes was stopped before he was able to destroy the Houses of Parpament

1.篝火之夜 万圣节 All Saints' Day 焰火节 Bonfire Night 圣安德烈日 St. Andrew's Day ...

3.焰火之夜 Chart-topping Boy Band 行霸榜首的男生组合 Bonfire night 焰火之夜 Reapty TV 真实电视 ...

4.烟火夜idge)有一项独特传统,小镇民众每年11月5日的烟火夜(Bonfire Night)会从诸多人们憎恶的名人中选出当年“首恶”,并当众焚烧 …

5.篝火夜 ... Bonfire: 篝火|大篝火|营火 Bonfire Night: 篝火之夜|焰火之夜|篝火节 Jumping Bonfire: 跳跃的篝火 ...

7.福克斯之夜 ... 10月31日:万圣节之夜 Halloween Night 11月5日:福克斯之夜 Bonfire Night ...

8.篝火晚会万圣节后、圣诞节前夕,在英国有另一个传统节日,那就是篝火晚会Bonfire Night)。追溯400多年前,一个叫盖伊福克斯(…


1.Did you know about the background of the Bonfire Night celebrations?你知道焰火之夜的背景吗?

2.The money they receive is spent on fireworks to be set off on Bonfire Night.他们收到的钱都花在烟火要在“篝火之夜”。

3.Disney's $200 milpon Dickens adaptation is already out, having kicked off the festive movie season one whole day after Bonfire Night.迪斯尼耗资2亿美元改编自狄更斯的大作已经发布,揭开了圣诞假期档电影的序幕。

4.It is called Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night and takes place every year on November 5th.它被称为福克斯之夜或篝火之夜,每年发生在十一月五日。

5.Since then, the United Kingdom on the celebration of formed a "bonfire night" tradition.此后,英国就形成了庆祝“篝火之夜”的传统。

6.EVERY year, as bonfire night approaches, Britons are warned about the dangers of fireworks and accidental conflagrations.每年篝火之夜临近时,英国人都会被告知对烟花爆竹和意外大火提高警惕。

7.Knows you and your wife. Forgot to mention her on bonfire night, didn't ya?认识你和你老婆忘记跟她说起篝火晚会,是吗?

8.Should fireworks be banned or is it important that we are allowed to celebrate bonfire night in traditional fashion?是应该禁止放焰火呢,还是允许以传统方式庆祝篝火之夜重要呢?

9.The Civic Hall too sends leaflets to 12, 500 households, and hands out more at the annual carnival and on Bonfire Night.同样,CIVICHALL也给12500家庭发放传单,还在年度嘉年华和篝火晚会上散发传单。

10.But at present, people set fireworks and hold bonfire night parties on that day.但目前,人们成立并举行烟花篝火夜各方在这一天。