




1.太累了 ... 这是我们今天要搭的车^^ This is the train we are going to take today^^ 累趴了 Too tired 我的置物柜 My locker ...

3.太疲劳 ... too terrible 很可怕 too tired 太疲劳 too weak 太虚弱 ...


1.After about an hour, I finally wipe the whole floor of each room once more, floor pght, and I leaned too tired to get up on the sofa.大约过了一个多小时,我终于将每个房间的地板全擦了一遍,地板亮了,我也累得趴在沙发上起不来了。

2.We urged her to come to the party with us, but she protested that she was too tired.我们力劝她同我们一起来参加聚会,但她坚持说她太累了。

3.I do not know why, see the log, then I am sorry, but no help at the only comfort she was too tired to do their own.不知为什么,看到这日志,当时我很心痛,但没有什么能帮的上的,只有安慰她别太累着自己。

4.Maybe he'll be a bit more understanding when he's in the mood for love and I say that I'm too tired.等到他想上床而我说累了的时候可能他就会理解我了吧。

5.No, I hate yams. I was trying to love them all the time but I'm too tired from doing this stuff.不,我讨厌地瓜泥。我一直试着改变自己对地瓜泥的想法,可这样做实在太辛苦了!

6.We stayed up another half an hour talking, but only because we were too tired to set about going to bed.我们又聊了半个小时,只因为太累,已没力气爬上床睡觉。

7.Walking into the central hall, Lu was greeted by a reporter just back from Kandaha and he said working there was too tired and dangerous.走进中央大厅,一个刚刚从坎大哈回来的记者和Lu打招呼,他对Lu说在半岛电视台工作既很累又很危险。

8.I thought I'd be too tired to do anything more than pe about, but I'm beginning to feel my oats already.我本来感到太累了,只想躺下来歇一歇,但现在我开始有精神了。

9.When it's cold or dark outside, or you're too tired to go to the gym, it's easy to talk yourself out of running.当天寒地冻,或是天黑时分,或是身心疲惫不想去健身房,那么就很容易让自己不去跑步。

10."I had been leading from the front for eight years and was much too tired to keep going. "“我已在前线领导了8年,对继续前进倍感疲倦。”