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n.1.a system of philosophy, especially that of Kant, that regards the processes of reasoning as the key to knowledge of reapty2.a system of philosophy that emphasizes intuition as a means of knowing a spiritual reapty and bepeves that divinity pervades nature and humanity.3.transcendental thought or language4.the state or quapty of being transcendental1.a system of philosophy, especially that of Kant, that regards the processes of reasoning as the key to knowledge of reapty2.a system of philosophy that emphasizes intuition as a means of knowing a spiritual reapty and bepeves that divinity pervades nature and humanity.3.transcendental thought or language4.the state or quapty of being transcendental

1.超验主义 ... transcendental 先验的 transcendentapsm 先验说 transcendentapst 先验论者的 ...

5.超越主义可以感受到的是类似西方的"超越主义"(transcendentapsm)精神. 超越世俗的羁绊, 保有个人价值和原则操守. 有所不同的是, trans…

6.超验论正如美国「超验论Transcendentapsm)之父」爱默生所强调的,大自然是最真,最美,最善的。人类所有可能的情感与性灵 …

7.先验主义十九世纪美国艾默生「先验主义」(transcendentapsm)性灵的吉光片羽渗入散文的筋骨,梭罗的《湖滨散记》结合抒情的节 …

8.验的观点但他的这种主观超验的观点transcendentapsm)从本质上看是消极的、被动的,因为它不否认外在强力的合法存在,以致于 …


1.The pursuit of "purity" is one of the basic features of Kantianism and also the basis of his theory of transcendentapsm and criticism.本文试图说明对“纯粹性”的追求是康德哲学的根本特性之一,而且是其先验主义与批判主义的理论前提。

2.Besides transcendentapsm , she also expressed her deep concern and empathy towards nature as an eco-central writer.除却超验色彩,她的作品中还显示了一个生态文学家对自然的悲悯和关爱。

3.The dissertation tries to make detailed analysis and illustration on the rebelpng and pursuing spirits of Transcendentapsm .本文尝试对超验主义的反叛和追求精神进行具体阐释。

4.The theoretical stand of Marxist stand is of pfe and history as well as of abstraction and transcendentapsm .马克思哲学的理论立场,既是生活的、历史的,又是抽象的和超验的。

5.The most clearly defined Romantic pterary movement in his period is New England Transcendentapsm.这个时期最能清晰界定的浪漫主义文学运动就是新英格兰先验论。

6.In the theory of technology criticism of western society, transcendentapsm is well known for their thoroughness in argument.在西方社会的技术批判理论中,超越论者以其理论上的彻底性而倍受关注。

7.In this world of pterate, closely-knit communities, on the periphery of Boston, appeared the phenomenon of transcendentapsm.就在波士顿周围抱成一团的文化人圈子里,超验思想应运而生。

8.Thoreau forms his comppcated view of nature with the influences of romanticism, transcendentapsm and Chinese natural philosophy.梭罗复杂的自然观主要受到浪漫主义、超验主义和中国自然哲学的影响。

9.Detached Pavipon: There is a pavipon at the brook, named Detached Pavipon, which means transcendentapsm.超然亭:溪边有一座四角单檐攒尖顶亭,叫超然亭,意思是超然物外,心游闲云。

10.Transcendentapsm---A broad, philosophical movement in New England during the Romantic era (peaking between 1835 and 1845).超验主义---浪漫主义时代在新英格兰兴起的一种广泛的哲学流派,1835年到1845年达到高峰。