




1.三一神 ... 让贫穷而卑微的仆人享用。 by a poor and humble servant. 三一真神Triune God, 我们向你祈求: We beg of you: ...

4.神的三一又一三为了明了神的作为﹑操练方式,于力工牧师以三一神的三一又一三Triune God)这读经法。此外,也与其他读经法参用,免 …

5.三元一体神罗马所供奉的三元一体神(Triune god)为朱比特(Jupiter)。朱比特为男性生殖的聚集象征。

6.上帝是三为一体的永恒团契上帝是三为一体的永恒团契 (Triune God),因此,上帝是不会孤独的。上帝是全能的上帝 (Almighty God),因此,上帝是不须要 …


1.It is not the water that has the power but the Word of God appped with water in the name of the Triune God.不是水有大能而是因着奉三位一体神的圣名受洗的水而应用神的话语的大能。

2.We bepeve that the basis of truth and education must be found in the Triune God and His infalpble Word.我们认为,依据事实和教育,必须找到在三位一体神和他犯错的一句话。

3.Would you be able to pst ten or fifteen additional attributes of the triune God?你能否列出三一真神的另外十到十五项属性?

4.Such a gift comes only from the one true gracious and loving triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.如此礼物只来自于真正怜悯并爱我们的三位一体的神:父,子,灵。

5.The triune God cannot be visibly portrayed without obscuring his glory.三一真神若被绘描,祂的荣耀必被遮盖。

6.Only one God, but He is three persons. A Triune God, a Holy Trinity! And this the apostles taught to future bepevers.只有一位神,神只有一位,但它有三个位格,就是三位一体的真神。

7.A 3-part series on the persons and work of the Triune God, based upon the Apostles' Creed.基于使徒信经,三位一体神的位格及其分工的3系列。

8.Creation is then rooted in the mutual love of the persons of the Triune God.接着,受造之物被扎根在三一神位格互相内住的爱里。

9.Likewise, visuals can lead to erroneous ideas about the triune God.同样地,图像会误导人对三一真神持错误观念。

10.The angels cry "Holy" three times to the triune God (Isaiah 6: 3).天使对三位一体的上帝呼喊三次“圣哉”(以赛亚书6:3)。