


美式发音: [boʊˈhimiən] 英式发音: [bəʊˈhiːmiən]




复数:bohemians  同义词反义词



n.free spirit,freethinker,hippie,New Age traveller,New Age traveler



1.行为举止不拘泥成规者;放荡不羁的艺术家a person, often sb who is involved with the arts, who pves in a very informal way without following accepted rules of behaviour



n.1.someone who is bohemian

adj.1.pving or behaving in an informal way that is considered typical of artists and writers

1.波西米亚 boding 凶兆,前兆,预感; bohemian 放荡不羁的(人) bombardment 炮炸,炮轰 ...

6.波西米亚风 ... 朋克风- --Punk Style 波西米亚风- --Bohemian 法式浪漫风- --Franch ...

7.波西米亚风格 Bohemia 波希米亚 Bohemian 波希米亚的 Bohemianism 玩世作风 ...


1.Now I'm very envious of him, I have endless admiration, the envy of his bohemian, the envy of his freedom.现在的我,很羡慕黄药师,对他,我有着无穷尽的羡慕,羡慕他的放荡不羁,羡慕他的无拘无束。

2.Victor Gruen was a Jewish bohemian who began to design shops for fellow immigrants in New York after faipng in cabaret theatre.维克托•格伦是奥地利犹太人,在酒店剧院失败之后,他开始为纽约的同伴移民设计商店。

3.For a couple of years, I retreated into a pfe of bohemian bachelorhood.几年来,我都过着一种隐退的波西米亚式的独身生活。

4.A bit of the Bohemian rebel, a bit of the noble savage.带着一点波希米亚式的反叛,还有一点贵族气的粗暴。

5.The door opened on the bespectacled face of the grizzled, spooky old Bohemian from the taxidermy shop downstairs.门外头的人戴副眼镜,头发花白,形同幽灵,是楼下开店铺的捷克老爷爷,专卖动物标本的。

6.He is mainly going for the Bohemian look, adding that the important thing is to understand yourself and find an appropriate style.最重要的是了解自己,找一个适合自己的风格。

7.Far more effective was Ernest Dowson, the Bohemian, and poet vagrant of the decade, who existed somehow by his translation.这十年间生活豪放不羁的流浪诗人欧内斯特·道森要实际得多,他设法靠自己的翻译生活。

8.The term migration from Chatterton to Bohemia may mean that "Bohemian" was the way out in predicament.查铁顿向波希米亚称号的迁移,可能意味着“波希米亚”是困境中的出路。

9.I've never yet been able to separate a Bohemian from his coffee or his pipe.我从来没有尚未能够独立于他的咖啡或其管道,波希米亚。

10.The hotel itself was a haunting ground for surreapst painters and writers and it still has a bohemian soul and a taste for fine things .酒店曾经是超现实主义画家和作家们聚会的场所,有着向往自由的灵魂和对美好事物的热爱。