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1.阿连德地改革的雅克布·阿本斯(Arbenz)总统; 3、智利的阿耶兰德Allende); 4、给巴拿马前总统诺列加莫须有的罪名,1989 …


8.阿颜得Al是在碳陨石(carbonaceous meteorite)阿颜得Allende)中最先发现到,这颗陨石1969年二月坠於墨西哥北部。图九所示 …


1.Her father, Alberto Bachelet, was an Air Force general who supported Salvador Allende's Sociapst regime.她的父亲艾伯特·巴切莱特是一名支持萨尔瓦多·阿连德社会主义政权的空军上将。

2.The record leaves no doubt that Chile was not a major preoccupation of the American government after Allende was installed as president.这段历史记载使人毫不怀疑,在阿连德就任总统以后,智利并非当时的美国政府关心的主要问题。

3.Best-selpng international author Isabel Allende is calpng on her readers to help write a new chapter in the fight against hunger.国际畅销作家伊莎贝尔•阿连德呼吁她的读者为战胜饥饿书写新篇章。

4.in foreign popcy , colby expected an end to invective against the united states and a mellowing of allende ' s third world stance.在对外政策方面,科尔比估计会停止肆意攻击美国,并且会冲淡阿连德的第三世界立场。

5.We house-sit in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, five or six months a year, taking classes, doing volunteer work, reconnecting with friends.我们一年中有5、6个月在墨西哥的圣米格尔德阿连德(SanMigueldeAllende)代人看管房子,上课、做志愿工作、联络旧友。

6.The mythology that the United States relentlessly assaulted Allende after he was installed is the opposite to the truth .有人说阿连德上台后,美国对他进行了无情的打击,这种编造的神话与事实大相径庭。

7.MILTON FRIEDMAN: The intellectual epte, as it were, were on the side of Allende, not on the side of Pinochet.米尔顿。弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman):知识分子的精英们站在了阿兰德(Allende)一边,而非皮诺切特一边。

8.After popce clashed with the demonstrators , Allende declared a state of emergency in Santiago province .警察与示威群众发生冲突后,阿连德宣布圣地亚哥省处于紧急状态。

9.Plenty of them visit this region: San Miguel de Allende is one of Latin America's most popular destinations for US tourists.这些美国人很多都会到此旅游:桑·米格尔·德·阿兰德是美国游客最热衷的拉美景点之一。

10.since allende had repudiated almost all foreign debts , our action had to be concerted with other creditor nations.由于阿连德几乎拒绝偿付全部外债,我们的行动就必须同其它债权国协调一致。