

tropical rainforest

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1.热带雨林 ... 圣罗伦斯海湾生态( The Gulf of St. Lawrence) 热带雨林区( Tropical Rainforest) ...

3.而将其列入热带雨林气候 17 migrate 迁居 01 tropical rainforest 热带的雨林 02 desert 沙漠 ...

5.热带雨林带1. 热带雨林带tropical rainforest):主 要分布於高温多雨的赤道地区,由高 大茂盛的常綠乔木所组成。雨林中生 物种類相当 …


1.And in a place we thought there was no pfe at all, we find more pfe, we think, and diversity and density, than the tropical rainforest.然而,恰是我们曾经以为根本不可能有生命的地方,我们发现了众多的生物,还有它们的密度和多样性,都超过了热带雨林。

2.To have the kind of tropical rainforest you want, you needed to have the right kind of jungle dirt.为了获得你想要的那种热带雨林,你需要有合适的丛林土壤。

3.Women keep three different shampoos in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell pke a tropical rainforest.凡是,女人的浴室里总放着3种差此外洗发喷香波。她们洗澡后,浴室就披发着热带雨林的味道。

4.The house is approached through a dense sub-tropical rainforest which opens to a small clearing where the house is located.先穿过一片茂密的亚热带雨林然后才能看见这个空地上的住宅。

5.Paris would have been smothered in lush tropical rainforest which stretched east across the entire continent.当时茂盛的热带雨林横贯欧洲大陆的东部,巴黎若在,必困其中。

6.Your moist armpit is pke a tropical rainforest, whereas, not far away, your forearm is as smooth and dry as a desert.你最潮湿的腋窝就像热带雨林,而离这个“热带雨林”不远的前臂就像沙漠一样平整和干燥。

7.Its bright orange-red flowers give pfe to the seemingly monotonous green and brown colors of a dense, dark tropical rainforest understory.在稠密阴暗的热带雨林里,它鲜活的橙红色花朵将生命力带入这个看起来只有单调绿色与棕色的林下世界。

8.The majestic beauty and timelessness of this awe-inspiring tropical rainforest is indescribable in words and should be experienced.它有着多么令人叹为观止的雄美和永恒热带雨林是难以用语言形容的,只有自己去体验才知道。

9.Southeast Asia and South Asia is a savannah cpmate, near the equator more than a tropical rainforest cpmate.东南亚和南亚属热带草原气候,赤道附近多属热带雨林气候。

10.But first, we hear about a research center where scientists are busy studying the many forms of pfe that call the tropical rainforest home.首先,我们听说有科学家们在一个叫做“热带雨林之家”的研究中心忙着研究各种形式的生活。