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1.章小蕙猛击她头部,把她打成脑震荡、头骨骨折还吐血,眼球及脸部严重瘀血。章小蕙teresa)当年背着丈夫钟镇涛偷恋有妇之夫 …

2.泰瑞莎 Tammy 泰蜜 希腊 太阳神。 Teresa 特丽莎 葡萄牙 丰收。 Tess 泰丝 法国 丰收。 ...

4.杜丽莎 黄纪莹 Natape 1975-07-15 麦家琪 Teresa 1975-08-01 蒙嘉慧 Yoyo Mung 1975-08-03 ...

8.特蕾莎特蕾莎TERESA)修女是1979年诺贝尔和平奖获得者,2009年10月4日,诺贝尔基金会将她评选为诺贝尔奖百余年历史上最 …


1.Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ---Mother Teresa.友善的话语简短易讲,但是它们的反响确是无尽的---特蕾莎修女。

2.mother teresa . " and her love for jesus christ filled her with compassion , gave her a conscience and a commitment till her death" .德兰修女,她对耶稣基督的爱使她充满怜悯,给她良知和委身,直到她离开世界。

3.As Mother Teresa said, "It's not what you do, but how much love you put into it that matters. "德蕾莎修女说:「重要的不是你做了什么事,而是你为这事付出多少爱。」

4.When my parents went to see Teresa Heinz Kerry speak, they told me that she was amazing!当我的父母去看望德丽莎海因茨克里发言时,他们告诉我,她是太神奇了!

5.Teresa is held in high esteem throughout the world for her selfless dedication to the poor people of Calcutta .德肋撒因无私献身于加尔各答的穷人而深受全世界的尊敬。

6.Describe Teresa Earnhardt's leadership style. What do you think the advantages and drawbacks of her style might be ?描述特里萨·恩哈德勒的领导风格。你认为她的风格的优点和缺点可能是什么?。

7.As if carried aloft by a great eagle, Saint Teresa said, my ecstasy pfted me into the air.「就像被巨鹰带往高处一样,」泰瑞莎修女说,「狂喜之境将我提升至空中。」

8.Mother Teresa had it right when she said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. "特雷莎修女赋予言语权利当她说道:“和蔼的话语可能是简短和易于表达,但是它们引发的共鸣却是无止境的。”

9.The mistake we made with Annie, Teresa's sister, was that we tried to do all the teaching ourselves.当初在家教泰丽莎的姐姐安妮时,我们的失误是试图由我们夫妻俩来教全部课程。

10.What showed the sincerity of Teresa's faith was that she both said Hallelujah and worked doggedly, tirelessly, perseveringly for Christ.能够说明德肋撒嬷嬷的真挚信仰的是她既说着阿肋路亚,又顽强地、不知疲倦地、坚定地为耶稣基督工作。