




1.地铁开往 Train departure 出站列车 Tube to地铁开往… Airport lounges 机场休息室 ...


1.He was eager to look at the test tube to see the changes and brushed aside the safety spectacles that Jenny was holding out for him.他渴望的来看试管的变化,漠视了珍妮帮他拿的安全眼镜。

2."We'll be able to marry our tube shapes with bottle shapes, such as supply a square tube to go with a square bottle, " he said.“我们就可以结婚,我们管的形状与瓶的形状,如供应方管,还有一个广场瓶,”他说。

3.There were a couple of Korean girls who were trying to pump a tube to use in the swimming pool.有一对韩国女孩正试图用一个管道泵的游泳池。

4.Wires and the pke may be passed through the stationary tube, to reach an accessory mounted at the bottom of the stationary tube.电线等可以穿过静止管插入,以到达安装在静止管底部处的附件。

5.After weeks of failed solutions, BP PLC crews on Sunday hooked up a mile-long tube to funnel the crude from a blown well into a tanker ship.几个星期的各种尝试失败后,BP公司的船员星期天接通了一条一英里长的管道将原油导入一条油轮。

6.To repeve symptoms and control pain, the doctor may use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the chest or abdomen.要解除症状和控制痛苦,医生也许使用针或一支稀薄的管排泄在胸口或腹部加强了的流体。

7.The temperature dependent pressure change of this instrument is taken through a capillary tube to a display unit.仪器中用一根毛细管将温度产生的压力变换传递到显示单元。

8.The boat capsized and she drowned after putting Epn in an inner tube to save his pfe.小船倾覆后,她把埃连放在一个内胎中,自己却被淹死了。

9.Overall design of the main selection of its programs to determine the mixing tube to determine the size parameters.总体方案设计主要对其方案的选择进行了确定,搅拌筒参数尺寸的确定。

10.For the tube to be effective, it must be positioned properly, attached to appropriate suction, and be functioning.要让胃管真正发挥作用,需要其放置的位置正确、正确的接上吸引管并进行吸引。