




1.时间旅行者,嘴巴也在动,他不禁疑惑,难道她是正在「讲手机」的时空旅行者 (Time Traveler )?

3.时光旅行者 数千人 …

4.时空穿梭者 fix: 修复 time traveler: 时空穿梭者 transgression: 违法,犯罪 ...

5.时空旅人 Summer Fete 夏天的盛宴 Time Traveler 穿越时空者 Body Armour 贴身盔 …


1.Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled, and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin.突然,门猛然开了,时间旅行家出现。他十分肮脏,衣冠不整,满身是泥,下巴颏被严重划伤。

2.Time traveler caught on film: An Irish filmmaker has uncovered evidence of a woman speaking into a cellphone in a 1928 Charpe Chappn film.爱尔兰的一位制片人发现在1928年的一部查理.卓别林的默剧中一个女人对着一部手机讲话的证据。

3.Biography of a Time Traveler is an engaging journey through the inner and outer realms of this visionary.2012年:传记时间旅行者是从事旅程通过内部和外部的境界这一富有远见的。

4.A time traveler - a brave, perhaps foolhardy individual, prepared for who knows what. . .一个勇敢的或者说是胆大鲁莽的时光穿梭者,已经准备好去探索……

5.The Time Traveler and several of his friends are quickly introduced, and then readers are immediately drawn into the future world.书中简要地介绍了时间旅行者和他的一些朋友,然后就将读者带到了未来世界。

6.Be a time-traveler, or someone with time-travepng vision, and see the future of this glass, from this moment until it inevitably breaks.做一个时间旅行者,做个拥有跨越时空感的人,看看这个玻璃杯的未来,从这刻起,直到它不可避免地被打碎。

7.Consider, for example, the time traveler who visits the past and murders his mother when she was a young girl.举个例说吧,一个时间旅者回到过去,把他那仍在少女时代的母亲给谋杀了。

8.The time traveler would be vibrating with excitement.这位时间旅行者会变得非常兴奋和激动。

9.The confusion and fear are diminished somewhat by discovering a fellow time traveler from Chicago named Mark.混乱和恐惧是减少了发现一个同伴从芝加哥时间旅行者有点名为马克。

10.The Time Traveler's Wife has been classified as both science fiction and romance, examining issues of love, loss, and free will.《时间旅行者的妻子》被归为科幻和爱情小说,讨论了爱情、迷失和自由意志等问题。