




1.岔路 ... 43. Dying 垂死 44. Two Roads 岔路 45. Illusion 幻影 ...

2.两条路上 《生命中的一天》 A day In The Life Of A Fool 《两条路上Two Roads 《夜上海》 Night In Shanghai ...

3.周璇-两条路上 ... Zhou Xuan - Don't Sing 周璇-不要唱吧 Zhou Xuan - Two Roads 周璇-两条路上 Sung by:* Zhōu Xuán 周 …

4.分道扬镳分道扬镳(two roads)


1.His ambiguous directions confused me , we did not know which of the two roads to take .他模棱两可的指导,让我们很迷茫,不知道要怎么办。

2.His ambiguous directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.他的模棱两可的指导使我们很迷惑。

3.the interstate highway system is usually two roads , one in each direction , separated by an area that is planted with grass and trees.州际高速公路系统通常由两条道路组成,一个方向一条,中间用草地和树木隔开。

4.She explained I could take one of two roads to get to the Wall -- the one by their house, or another just on the other side of the ranch.她告诉我,有两条路可以到那段长城。一条在他们屋子旁边,另一条就在农场的另一边。

5.Here is also "blessing word" and "qing dao" two roads crossroads, he said, is "fu" and "emotion" heart-to-heart pavipon.这里也是“福道”与“情道”两条道路的交汇处,也就就说,是“福”与“情”的连心亭。

6.Located in the crossroad of two roads-Macanghu Path and Maying Path, the land for project is consisted of three land plots.项目用地位于汉阳区马沧湖小路与马鹦小路两条生活型道路的的十字路口,由三个地块组成。

7.Cross a business shape of adoption circular in two roads , combine the cabaret to become a space of integrity.在两条路的交叉处采用圆形的商业造型,结合酒店形成一个完整的空间。

8.The two roads meet just north of Boston. Does the hotel meet your expectations? This new truck meets our needs.这两条路正好在波士顿以北交叉。这家饭店符合你的要求吗?这辆卡车满足了我们的需要。

9.Two roads were built subsequently, one over the centre of the Island and one around its eastern end.其后,续有两条道路兴建,其一越过港岛中部,另一则绕过其东端。

10.Indiana State Highway Department spokesman Jim Pinkerton said that the staff are using snow removal snow removal vehicles, closed two roads.印第安纳州公路部门发言人吉姆·平克顿说,工作人员正在使用铲雪车清除积雪,关闭了两条公路。