

mountain forest

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1.山岳林 林;林 forest economics 高山林;山岳林;山地林 mountain forest ...

2.山地林 林;林 forest economics 高山林;山岳林;山地林 mountain forest ...

3.山地森林 mixed forest 混交林 mountain forest 山地森林 primary forest 原始森林 ...

4.山地森林区亚高山森林区(subalpine forest)、山地森林区(mountain forest)、山杨林区 (aspen parkland)与草原区(fescue grassland…

5.山林野趣 老山国家森林公园 Laoshan Forest Park 山林野趣 Mountain forest 门票:33 Yuan ...

6.高山森林 林;林 forest economics 高山林;山岳林;山地林 mountain forest ...


1.The emperor Xiaowen is said to have ordered the construction of a temple, deep in a mountain forest, in honour of a wandering Indian monk.据说为了纪念一位印度游僧,孝文帝下令在深山茂林中修建一座寺庙。

2.The prairie area occupies the national front row, the Greater Hinggan Mountain forest region lumber stores up the quantity to be big.草原面积居全国前列,大兴安岭林区木材蓄积量较大。

3.Hidden in the natural mountain forest, is for you to relax, meet friends, family vacation only.隐匿在自然山林中,是您放松身心,挚友相会,家人度假的不二之处。

4.Once in Mexico , they settle themselves in one of about fifteen places in a mountain forest filled with fir trees .一旦进入墨西哥,它们便会在大约十五分之一的冷杉树林密集的大森林内安顿下来。

5.Besides, some villagers said leasing the mountain forest did not bring them any benefits, but rather damage and harm.除此之外,还有村民提出,出租山林村民并非最大受益者,而是沦为受损者。

6.Here sparsely inhabited, the land is broad, is not the mountain forest, is the farmland rural cottage.这里人烟稀少,土地广阔,不是高山森林,就是农田村舍。

7.The main protected objects were soil, mountain forest, river, damp, mineral resources and other natural resources.其保护对象主要有土地、山林川泽、矿藏及其他自然资源。

8.Triangle Mountain forest landscape unique and rare animals is rich in resources, appreciate the high value of scientific research.三角山森林景观独特,珍稀动物资源丰富,欣赏科研价值高。

9.Kipmanjaro, national parks and forests occupy the whole Kipmanjaro, and the surrounding mountain forest.乞力马扎罗山国家公园和森林保护区占据了整个乞力马扎罗山及周围的山地森林。

10.The pving environment plays a crucial role in the close relation between Liangshan Yi minority and mountain forest.凉山彝族居住的环境,决定了其与山林相依相伴的关系。