


网络释义:无人机系统(unmanned aircraft system);代理服务器;USB Attached SCSI


1.无人机系统(unmanned aircraft system)件(UTA)可以使用战术通用数据链(TCDL)进行无人机系统UAS)4级控制,也可以与战术通用数据链的地面卫星接收 …

2.代理服务器lacZ 转录 BD识别并结合Gal4应答基因的上游激活序列UASAD通过同转录机构中其他蛋白之间的结合,来启动 应答基因 …

5.无人航空系统提要:把未来的无人航空系统UAS)视为独来独往的武器当无助益。在这些飞机演变的同时,传统的武器系统将继续改进, …


1.When parsing XML, UAs do not always read the DTD, and thus may not know what the ID of an element is.当解析XML时,浏览器不会总去读取DTD,因此可能会不知道一个元素的ID是什么。

2.Traditional UAS targeting technology needs optical turret load Laser Rangefinder. So optical turret must be double payload at least.传统的无人机目标定位技术要求光电转台必须装配激光测距仪,因此光电转台至少是双装载。

3.We are now ready to set up the rest of the request to the second UAS.我们现在已经准备好设置第二个UAS的其余请求。

4.Training UAS controllers, even those with no previous flying experience, costs less than a tenth as much as turning out a fast-jet pilot.训练一个毫无飞行经验的“无人飞行系统”操控员所耗费的时间比训练出一个快速喷气式飞行员要少接近十倍。

5.Each of AV's production small UAS can be launched and operated by one person, and is powered by a replaceable and rechargeable battery pack.航空环境公司生产的每一种小型无人机都能由一人发射和操作。

6.The most striking thing about this document was its vision of a networked family of UAS.这份文件最惊人之处在于它对UAS大家族的构想。

7.Miptary UAS have the potential for use in a variety of indoor and outdoor missions and, therefore, must be highly mobile and portable.军用无人机具有很大潜力,可在室内和室外执行各种任务,因此必须具备高度的机动性和便携型。

8.A typical "dirty" task for a UAS would be flying in to observe or take samples after a chemical or biological attack.对UAS而言,典型的“肮脏”任务是在化学或生物袭击后飞入袭击区进行观察或取样。

9.Benzotriazole, o - hydroxyl benzophenone, sapcypc acid and esters comprise several important types of ultraviolet - absorbents (UAS).苯骈三唑、邻羟基二苯甲酮、水杨酸酯类化合物构成了几种重要类型的紫外吸收剂。

10.Another potential advantage for UAS is that future designs may be better able to survive in contested airspace than manned aircraft are.无人飞行系统的另一潜在优势是,其以后的设计会使其比载人飞行器更好地存活于竞争激烈的空域。