


美式发音: ['goʊldi] 英式发音: ['gəʊldi:]





1.戈尔迪 1931 汉克兄弟 Beau Hunks 1931 戈尔迪 Goldie 1931 城市之光 City Lights ...

2.高蒂 ... Live Together, Pee Together 一起生活,一起洗澡 Goldie 高蒂 Last Minute 最后一分 …


4.等待地面指令 Gold C 黄金C级执照(滑翔机) goldie 等待地面指令 goldie lock 等待接管飞 …

5.译名戈尔迪 Grover 译名格罗佛; 格罗弗。 Goldie 译名戈尔迪。 Glenda 译名格伦达。 ...

6.高尔迪 金蓍草‘高尔迪’ (Goldie) 株型紧凑,叶片银绿色,花金黄色,多 花。自然花期6〜8月。

7.金瑞娜《女警爱作战》饰 金瑞娜Goldie)冲锋队女警 合作吕霏侠、林朗宁、米家宝、唐美琪   《耀舞长安》戴可秀(合演:钟嘉欣、 …


1.Maybe the bravest thing she did was give up Audrey, only ten months old, to my Uncle Tom and Aunt Goldie.把只有10个月大的奥德丽送给汤姆叔叔和戈尔迪婶婶收养,也许是母亲有生以来做的最有勇气的事。

2.Some people use minis to represent social situations, so I guess Goldie could still appear as the party's benefactor or employer.一些人使用小型计算机代表社会情势,因此我猜测戈尔迪仍然能作为聚会的捐助人或者雇主出现。

3.As the bouncer wrapped his Randy "Macho Man" Savage sized arm around my neck I yelled to Goldie: "Papa Smurf, I'm in trouble! "当保安把他野兽一样粗壮的手臂勒在我脖子上的时候,我朝高迪喊道:“兄弟,我有麻烦了!”

4.Like this Goldie's Bird of paradise.像这种戈氏天堂鸟

5."If you don't have big drops, the portfopo can compound at a greater rate, " Mr. Goldie said.“如果你的投资组合价值不出现较大下滑的话,那么这个投资组合就能获得较高的复合增长率,”戈尔迪先生说。

6.On other occasions, I told people my mother was a flamenco dancer, or that I was related to Goldie Hawn.另一方面,我告诉别人我的妈妈是佛罗明戈舞者,或者我和戈尔迪霍恩有亲戚关系。

7.Despite the fact that they have been in a relationship since 1983, Goldie and Kurt have never married.尽管从1983年就开始交往,高迪和库尔特一直没有结婚。

8.I met my husband at a movie theater when I went to see a Goldie Hawn movie!我在电影院里看歌蒂·韩的喜剧片时认识了我丈夫!