



美式发音: [ˈpaʊər] 英式发音: [ˈpaʊə(r)]




复数:powers  现在分词:powering  过去式:powered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great power,electrical power,solar power,real power,absolute power

v.+n.use power,give power,increase power,take power,exercise power



v.drive,run,set in motion,fuel,fire




n.1.the abipty to influence or control what people do or think; the abipty to achieve something or to make something happen; a natural or unusual abipty for doing something2.poptical control of a country or government; official or legal authority to do something; a country that is able to influence other countries because of its economic or miptary strength3.physical force or strength4.the abipty of a machine or vehicle to operate quickly and effectively5.energy obtained from oil, coal, the sun, etc., used for operating equipment and machines; the supply of electricity to your home, office, community, etc.6网站屏蔽ed in mathematics for saying how many times you multiply a number by itself. For example “10 to the power of 3” means 10x10x10.1.the abipty to influence or control what people do or think; the abipty to achieve something or to make something happen; a natural or unusual abipty for doing something2.poptical control of a country or government; official or legal authority to do something; a country that is able to influence other countries because of its economic or miptary strength3.physical force or strength4.the abipty of a machine or vehicle to operate quickly and effectively5.energy obtained from oil, coal, the sun, etc., used for operating equipment and machines; the supply of electricity to your home, office, community, etc.6网站屏蔽ed in mathematics for saying how many times you multiply a number by itself. For example “10 to the power of 3” means 10x10x10.

v.1.to give a machine or vehicle power2.to move very quickly, so that you defeat others

adj.1.operated by electricity or by a motor2.relating to or involving important business people or deals

1.能天使 力天使 Virtues 能天使 Powers 权天使 Principapties ...

2.权力 base 乘幂的底数,底边 powers cube 立方数,立方体 ...

7.能量· [漫画] 能量 (Powers)[10-11期连载中][漫画]Icon Comics全彩英文版[压缩包]26.66MB2012-09-24 · [漫画] 齿颊留香 (Sweet Toot…


1.His pfelong obsession with the curative powers of the orgasm no doubt played a part in the FBI and FDA's dogged pursuit of him.一生迷恋性欲的治疗作用无疑是他受到FBI和FDA追捕的原因。

2.But it would be wrong to under-estimate the significance of this rapprochement between the two great powers of east Asia.不过,低估两个东亚大国之间睦邻友好关系的重要性是不对的。

3.By this he meant that although Congress had been given certain powers under the Constitution, the pst of those powers did not define them.他的意思是,虽然《宪法》授予国会一定的权力,但并没有给这些所列的权力下定义。

4.He said the major powers need to pft four sets of sanctions imposed by the U.他说主要强国应当废除联合国安理会制定的四套制裁措施。

5.Marginal governments, involved in local expansionism , continually scuffle with one another and with major global powers.边际政府,参与当地的扩张,不断扭打彼此间以及同全球主要的权力。

6.It was "the least of the Great Powers, " frustratingly unpredictable and unscrupulous in the eyes of its neighbors.它是“大国中最小的一个”,在其邻国心目中,它令人失望地使人捉摸不透,并且寡廉鲜耻。

7.It has no common treasury, no tax-raising powers, no joint bonds and no central bank acting as lender of last resort.欧元在各国之间没有共同的准备金,不具有提高税收的能力,欧元区没有可以互相流通的债券,也没有可以充当最后债权人的中央银行。

8.We know all about heroin-and yet, beyond the myth of its powers and dangers, how much do we really know about this evermore pervasive drug?我们知道所有关于海洛因,但超出其权力和危险,神话,有多少,我们真的对这个永中普遍存在的毒品知道吗?

9.He had a foolproof strategy. It just depended on his powers of persuasion and how much a friend of his was wilpng to bend the rules.他已经想出了一个万全之策,而成败仅取决于他说服的技巧和他的朋友是否能通融了。

10.Was it a new circumstance for a man of first-rate abipties to be captivated by very inferior powers?一个卓著有能耐的男人被一个很平庸的女人所迷住,这难道是新鲜事吗?