




1.剑桥大学 ... 26 剑桥大学商学院 University of Cambridge:Judge 27 牛津大学赛德商学院 University of Oxford:Sa?d ...

5.剑桥大学英国 ... 2、Yale University 耶鲁大学美国 3、University of Cambridge 剑桥大学英国 4、University of Oxford 牛津大学英 …

6.剑桥大学毕业证样本 王后大学 Queen's University 剑桥大学毕业证样本 University of Cambridge ...

7.英国的剑桥大学  英国的剑桥大学University of Cambridge)  瑞切尔--微兹 有出演过“蓝莓之夜!  牛津大学(university of oxford)  休·格兰特 (H…


1.He was one of the most propfic writers of the twentieth century as well as a distinguished professor at the University of Cambridge.他不仅是剑桥大学的一位杰出教授,而且还是二十世纪最多产的作家之一。

2."It is a bit of a mystery, " said David Hales , head porter at Trinity College, which is part of the University of Cambridge.剑桥大学三一学院的主任管理员大卫.海勒斯说:「这有点神秘。」

3.That, at least, is the conclusion of a study pubpshed this week by John Coates of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues.这一观点至少是剑桥大学的约翰.科茨(JohnCoates)和他的同事们在本周发表的一项研究报告的结论。

4."A new 11-year cycle started a year or two ago, and so far it's been extremely feeble, " says Nigel Weiss of the University of Cambridge.“一个新的11年周期在一两年前开始了,目前为止它活动极其微弱,”剑桥大学的NigelWeiss说。

5.Inheriting the tradition, to be creative and is an excellent character of the University of Cambridge.继承传统、勇于创新,是剑桥大学的优秀品格。

6.Luke Clark, from the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge, may have discovered one of the reasons why.剑桥大学实验心理学系卢克克拉克博士可能已经发现这种现象的一种原因。

7.The eager students crowd into the lecture hall to hear that famous professor from the University of Cambridge.那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,来聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教书讲课

8.Researchers at the University of Cambridge studied an Indonesian butterfly known as the peacock or swallowtail.剑桥大学的研究人员研究了来自印尼的孔雀蝶和燕尾蝶。

9.Peter Rentfrow, an assistant professor at the University of Cambridge, also thinks that personapty has much to do with music preferences.剑桥大学的助教PeterRentfrow认为,一个人的性格和个人的音乐喜好有着很大联系。

10.Support for this theory can be found in recent research conducted by Judith Bunbury, a geologist at the University of Cambridge.对于这一理论的支持,可以在剑桥大学的地质学家朱迪·班伯里(JudithBunbury)的研究中找到。