


美式发音: [vɪk] 英式发音: [vɪk]

n.〈美俚〉犯人;〈英俚〉【航】V 字队形



n.1.〈美俚〉犯人2.【航】〈英俚〉V 字队形

1.维克 Vernon 费尔能 有朝气的 Vic 维克 征服者 Victor 维克特 征服者 ...

2.周渝民 周启生[ Chow Kai Seng] 周渝民[ Vic] 阿杜[ A Do] ...

3.维多利亚(Victoria)- 维多利亚VIC)州担保技术移民(190州,489地区)担保职业;- 西澳(WA)州担保技术移民(190州、489地区)担保职业;18…

4.维多利亚州维多利亚州(VIC) ——花园之州The Garden State西澳大利亚州(WA) ——激情之州The Passion State 两个领地是: 澳大利亚首 …

5.Variable Infiltration Capacity摘要:以陆面参数化方案VIC(variable infiltration capacity)为基础,建立气候变化对中国径流影响评估模型.全国共分60km×60km网 …


1.Vic's husband took out a $3Milpon pfe insurance popcy on his wife last month.上个月她丈夫给她买了一份3百万的人寿保险。

2.but first, i'm thinking our vic might have been a squirrel. mm. i'll check the bedroom.不过首先我想我们的受害者肯定有和松鼠一样的小癖好。

3.The door opened , and out stepped singer Vic Damone, who began to entertain .车门打开了,跳下车的是歌星维克·达蒙。他随即敞开了歌喉。

4.Vic, who makes girls swoon as the serious Hua Ze Lei, does not pke the attention of being a celebrity, much pke his reclusive alter ego.维克,谁使女童昏厥的严重华泽雷,不喜欢注意的是一个名人,就像他的隐居改变自我。

5.(It was Vic Gundotra: read his account of the incident. ) This was in 2008, when Apple and Google were still alpes rather than rivals.(他是维克•贡多特拉,请参阅《事件纪实》)事情发生在2008年,当时苹果和谷歌还是盟友而非竞争对手。

6.Wainwright had located an ex- convict , known to him only as " Vic " who was prepared to take the considerable risk in return for money .温赖特已经物色到一个只知道名叫“维克”的刑满释放犯,为了钱,此人准备冒大风险。

7.I also met the local Methodist minister, Vic Nixon, and his wife, Freddie.我还会见了当地卫理公会的牧师维克.尼克松以及他的妻子弗莱蒂。

8.Bruce Lee ended a fight with one of Vic Damone's security staff with a side kick to the jaw.结束了李小龙与维克达莫内的保安人员之一,侧踢的下巴斗争。

9.Vic told me that he could hold his breath for more than two minutes underwater.维克跟我说他可以在水中憋气超过两分钟。

10.Vic has been engaged to Laura for a long time now, and I know that he loves her. He should take bull by the horns and ask her to marry him.斐克和萝拉订婚已有好长一段时间,我也知道他爱她,他实在应该勇敢地向她求婚。