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英文单词:美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development);美国国际发展署;美国国际开发总署



n.1.a US government agency that provides humanitarian aid and assistance for development to other countries.

1.美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)美国国际开发署USAid )在全球许多发展中国家展开人道和发展项目,我的一位纽约朋友瓦勒瑞曾经承包过国际开发署的一 …

2.美国国际发展署在美国国际发展署(USAID)的“亚洲地区应对非法濒危物种贸易项目(ARREST)”及国际爱护动物基金会(International Fund fo…

3.美国国际开发总署据美国国际开发总署USAID)前农业与环境部官员乔治·泰勒(George Taylor)回忆,他20世纪80年代和90年代在非洲工作 …

4.美国国际发展机构另外,加纳政府和美国国际发展机构(USAID)发起了一项被称为有竞争力的出口经济贸易和投资计划(TIPCEE),这一计划的根 …


1.Sumka said the needs are quite extensive, and USAID is prepared to provide additional commodities as needed and if the crisis expands.萨姆卡表示,各种需要涉及的面很广,美国国际开发署准备根据需要并在危机如果扩大时提供额外的救济物资。

2.He said in 2008, USAID was able to provide 6 million people around the world with improved access to water.他说,美国国际开发署在2008年已做到为全世界6百万人提供更方便的用水途径。

3."I think it would be easy to include USAID (the US Agency for International Development) and the government of America, " he said.“我想邀请美国国际开发署和美国政府的参与应该是比较容易的”。他说。

4.By partnering on water issues, he said, Coca-Cola and USAID have been able to pool their resources and expertise for a better outcome.他说,通过在水的问题上进行合作,可口可乐和美国国际开发署得以集结资源和专长,取得更好的成果。

5.USAID has signed grant agreements with six nongovernmental organizations with which it has worked previously in the West Bank and Gaza.美国国际开发署与过去在约旦河西岸和加沙地带有过合作关系的6个非政府组织签署赠予协议。

6.Secretary Kerry said the State Department and USAID have provided assistance to democracy and human rights programs in several countries.国务卿克里说,美国国务院和美国国际开发署已向几个国家的民主和人权项目提供了援助。

7.The construction of the center was funded by the U. S. government through the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID).该中心的建成得到了美国政府通过美国国际开发署(USAID)提供的资助。

8.USAID administrator Rajiv Shah called it "one of the best, most cost-effective life-saving investments we have ever made. "美国国际开发署署长拉吉夫·沙阿(RajibShah)称之为“我们所做过的最好的、最具效益的挽救生命的投资之一。”

9.The American officials demanded the release of Alan Gross, who was working under contract to USAID and was arrested in Havana in December.美国官员要求释放格罗斯。格罗斯是美国国家开发署的一名工作人员,他于去年12月在哈瓦那被捕。

10."Not to be sold or exchanged" say sacks marked "USAID - From the American People" .“不能用于出卖或交换”这个袋子上标有“美国救援-来自美国人民”。
