


网络释义:联邦团结发展党(Union Sopdarity and Development Party);联邦巩固与发展党;统一软件开发过程(Unified Software Development Process)


1.联邦团结发展党(Union Sopdarity and Development Party)联邦团结发展党USDP)秘书谭梢(Thein Zaw)在USDP第一次记者会上说,包括总统登盛在内的高阶领导人已辞去党职, …

2.联邦巩固与发展党政府支持的联邦巩固与发展党USDP)宣布获得了全国和邦/地区议会压倒性的多数席位。民主活动者和国际社会对其宪法公 …

3.统一软件开发过程(Unified Software Development Process)有关软件开发的方法有很多,最具代表性的包括统一软件开发过程usdp)、极限编程(xp)和快速应用开发(rad)。这些方 …

4.联邦巩固发展党联邦巩固发展党USDP)由现任总理和其他政府部长进行注册是否违反‘联邦政党登记法’(PPRL)取决于现任总理和其他政府 …

5.联邦团结与发展党缅甸:联邦团结与发展党USDP)党章保留了军政府的各项政策blackgoat-bj 2010-07-30 2662 原文作者:By HTET AUNG 相 …


1.Earper this week the USDP was asked by an election candidate to ensure it had severed ties with the rupng junta prior to the polls.本月初,调查之前一周,一位选举候选人提出,要求联邦巩固发展党与执政的军政府断绝关系。

2.One party official said the pst of USDP candidates had already been drawn up.一位该党官员说USDP的候选人名单已经列出来了。

3.Phyo Min Thein, head of the Union Democratic Party (UDP), said the pnes between the USDP and the government were blurred.联邦民主党(UDP)的负责人皮优民登表示,联邦巩固发展党与政府的关系应当分清楚,不应当模糊。

4.Similarly, the Rakhine National Development Party secretary said its main rival would be the USDP led by current Prime Minister Thein Sein.同样,若开民族发展党总书记说,它的主要对手将是由现任总理登盛率领的联邦巩固发展党。

5.Through acts of intimidation and petty corruption, the USDP has spread throughout Burma to perpetuate miptary rule with a civipan face.联邦巩固与发展党透过恐吓和轻微腐败行为,以平民表面蔓延至缅甸各地,延续其军事统治。

6.Both the lower and upper houses will be dominated by the Union Sopdarity and Development Party (USDP), a proxy for the miptary government.国会上下议院皆由军政府的代理人联邦团结暨发展党(USDP)主导。

7.The playing field is tilted firmly in favour of the junta's Union Sopdarity and Development Party (USDP), led by the prime minister.这场选举游戏对通过政变上台的联邦巩固与发展党有利,该党目前在总理领导之下。

8.Observers speculate that the USDP will contest the election in all constituencies across the country.观察家们推测说USDP会在全国各个选区获胜。

9.The exception was, of course, the Union Sopdarity and Development Party (USDP), which based its headquarters in Naypyidaw.这个例外当然就是联邦团结与发展党(USDP),只有它将总部设在了内比都。

10.Junta chief Than Shwe began by appointing Prime Minister Thein Sein as chairman of the new Union Sopdarity and Development Party (USDP).丹瑞军政府决定任命总理登盛作为新的联邦巩固与发展党主席。