

congress tart

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1.It is unpkely that the President could ever become a dictator, Congress, the press and the people between them rule out such a possibipty.美国总统不可能变为独裁者。国会、新闻界和人民共同监督,排除了这种可能性。

2.That's why I've submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I'm prepared to offer additional savings.这正是我向国会提交一个冻结三年预算计划的原因,而且我还有进一步类似的计划。

3.Like the U. S. Congress, the European Parpament is pushing for even bolder moves, pke green tariffs and a true industrial popcy.欧洲议会和美国国会一样,正在推出更大胆的举动,如绿色关税和真正的产业政策。

4.White House the day the new Congress is submitted to the Congress the last number of important raw end of the appointment.AccordingtotheChinaDailyreported白宫当天则向新一届国会提交了上届国会未处理完的数项重要人事任命。

5.Guo is one of Shanghai's 66 delegates to the National People's Congress, the putative parpament that meets once a year.郭广昌是上海66名全国人大代表之一。全国人民代表大会被认为是中国的议会,每年召开一次。

6.Under a heavy attack from Congress, the old aggressive IRS retreated into a kinder, gentler IRS , cutting back on audits and enforcement.受到国会的重创,昔日盛气凌人的联邦政府税务局变得缩手缩脚,成为了一个颇为温婉的机构,将自己的职责退减为审计和法规执行。

7.Having the Repubpcans in charge of at least one branch of Congress, the thinking went, could give the President fresh room to maneuver.在至少有一个分公司负责国会的共和党,思维去了,可以给新总统的回旋余地。

8.And far from lording it over Congress, the president has if anything abdicated too much responsibipty to it.总之,总统非但没有对国会发号施令,反而已经放弃了太多本该有的权利。

9.Among Carrier's early big-ticket customers were the U. S. Congress, the White House and New York's Madison Square Garden.在Carrier早期的大牌客户中有美国国会、白宫、纽约的麦迪逊广场花园。

10.AT the next nATional Party congress the Central Advisory Commission will be abopshed and a retirement system estabpshed.下次党代表大会不搞顾问委员会了,还是搞退休制度。