


美式发音: ['ju:tɑ:] 英式发音: ['ju:tɑ:]




n.1.犹他2.【城】犹他州,a state of the western United States


1.犹他州 annual 每年的,年度 的 Utah 美国犹他州 combined 组合的, 结合 的 42. ...

4.犹他洲 奥斯汀 Austin 犹他洲 Utah 盐湖城 Salt Lake City ...


1.Jackson recalled that Bryant got a technical foul against Utah, but it was in speaking up for a teammate.禅师回忆道科比在和尤他爵士的比赛中得了个技术犯规!不过是因为为队友辩解和说话得到的!

2.He said his coat ended up in the coat closet of his Logan, Utah, home.他说之后这件大衣被挂在他位于犹他州洛根市家中的衣橱里。

3.With remains found in Utah, this dinosaur was more in pne with the Jurassic Park stereotype, and of the same family as well.人们在犹他州发现了它的遗迹,并由此发现,这种恐龙更加符合侏罗纪公园中的恐龙形象,并且,它也是驰龙大家庭中的一员。

4.A man named Thomas Kane asked President Buchanan to let him go to Utah. Kane was an old friend of the president.有一位名叫托马斯.凯恩的人,他请求布坎南总统让他到犹他地区去。

5.Mr Huntsman, who's also served as the governor of Utah, said he would formally enter the race in a week's time.洪博培曾经担任犹他州州长,他表示将在一周之内正式加入角逐。

6.Frank A. Drews, one of the Utah study's authors, said he never phones while driving. His reason is more than just the safety issue.负责这项犹他州研究的一位撰稿人法兰克•A•朱斯宣称他开车绝不打电话,理由不只是行车安全而已。

7.The Fishers left the city and went across the Hudson River to New Jersey to catch their chartered plane back to Utah.费舍尔然后离开纽约,穿过哈得孙河赶上他们的包机返回尤他。

8.Utah was all Mormon, except for the Indians, and the U. S. wouldn't make it a state because of polygamy.犹他州之前除了印地安人外,都是摩门教徒,而且美国以前因为一夫多妻制不准许犹他州设州。

9.We've had a mom in Utah who used them with her kids to a science researcher in the U. K. and curriculum developers in Hawaii.在犹他州有位母亲,与她的孩子们一起玩这些橡皮泥,她的孩子成了英国的科学研究员并在夏威夷开发新课程。

10.The Beehive State of Utah has no more beehives than any other state.“蜂巢州”犹他州并没有比其他州更多的蜂巢。